We’re updating Heads!

Gamers… this idea sucks…!

Additionally: Layered clothing ALSO sucks…!


Layered clothing crashes my PC. That’s all I have to say about it.

Let’s hope they don’t make layered hats.

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I’m legit going to make an awards show for terrible changes like this and model a trophy just for this platform. :+1:t3:

I think one of the category’s should include days without Roblox ever listening to its community and playing it off as “we listened.”


What can we even do to get the message to them? Anyone got any ideas??? (because this clearly isnt gonna work)

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400+ replies and not a single reply, not even a reply cooldown, they know this thread and update is a mess.

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It would be happening daily, and you will have to dedicate a good half of your life to giving it out.

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The only way I can think of is to carefully look at the Roblox Staff users and see who’s online, and then @ them here. It seems worth it in this kind of chaos.

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i’ve seen replies get removed so they are definitely reading

The 3 biggest problems with layered clothing:
Invisibility Glitch
Giant clothes taking 80% of the map
Fake “Breasts” and other inappropriate stuff

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They aren’t, they’re only reading replies.
If they are reading, they’d add a reply cooldown.

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Don’t get them confused with moderators! Moderators do not reply here.

The invisibility glitch was patched I believe (hopefully).

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love how they take the most popular faces off sale, and then replace them with ones that fit the “meta”. The least that they could do was keep them on sale alongside the other dynamic heads.

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It better because this update sucks and roblox deserve to know how awful it truly is

They ruined classic faces to give us overpriced heads that dont fit avatar accessory’s at all ?
There is also a poor choice of them and free stuff now cost robux ?

Pretty clear roblox just is being greedy at this point than actually innovating.


There are still certain items that can make your legs, torso, and arms invisible which have yet to be removed, more copies will just get uploaded anyway until its actually patched.

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Luckily, we all can blame the game for enabling the feature in the first place.

I mean… clearly nobody else could possibly take the blame?

Hey wait, didn’t Roblox supposedly stop their “Metaverse” label?
I’m not sure about you but if they’re saying they supposedly stopped it, then why are they continuing to “fit the meta”? For the investors?

Wait, no… it’s definitely for the investors. The 60-year-olds with nowhere to spend their money than in Roblox stocks…

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I hope they don’t put the remaining classic heads offsale


I am a little bit sad that this is getting more attention that the trade hold update, but it does make sense because this affects everyone negatively. No one is winning here, ironically not even roblox


its called nostalgia bro + they never even needed to be put offsale anyway

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This update is going to cause many cons such as

  • UGC Clones of offsale faces
  • Less avatar choice customization as there offsale
  • Heads that dont fit Accessory’s very well or dont fit at all
  • Heads that are two times the price cause roblox are greedy and dont actually innovate.
  • Lazy choices and poor excuses of face choices.

Disappointment as per usual from the most out of touch brand in the world.