We’re updating Heads!

I meant as in “default head” meaning when you don’t have any head equipped it defaults to something like Stevie Standard instead of the classic, But I get what you mean.
This all started because of what happened just a few hours prior with all of the classic faces seemingly disappearing into thin air. They also removed a bunch of the classic heads a while back (I believe mid-2022?) but everyone moved on from that as you mentioned with how this “feature pattern” goes.

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satire post, thas crazy bro, its crazy that giving facts is now satire

Wow, this update is really good and the way roblox forcefully put iconic faces off-sale for no reason was a great approach for the company! /s /nsrs /j /ijbol /na


i wish roblox would make more classic faces for people to buy. or at least let us create our own.


Is there a point in time when these updates seem like a bad idea, and what point is turning back far too late with the brand image that’s been created?

Having animated faces is okay, but deleting the past faces in order to progress for an image most users don’t want seems a bit wrong. I hope this update goes well, and there’s only good progress regarding this update in the future.


Was talking about the post you replied too, and i don’t find your tone funny whatsoever


ok, this isn’t the right place to tell me that

lets stay on topic here, this is just plainly a bad reading experience.


He didn’t say it was funny though

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i also want an answer to this question, i doubt it would hurt performance to much but some documentation would be nice

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But they said before adding all of those explicitly that any old functionality would still be available. Here, they are pretty much killing classic heads by making the ability to get new faces for it nonexistent. It’s been almost 7 years since R15 came out, so I can’t imagine that they don’t have a plan to phase out R6 at some point (they have not announced anything like this)


:fearful: Roblox is gonna have access to all of ours cameras while also having access to our audio? no thanks :fearful: :fearful: :fearful: :fearful: :fearful: :fearful: :fearful: :fearful:


You can just get rid of roblox’s permissions for camera, literally every device has that.

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Considering the age group of mobile users… i dont know man dont think all of them are keen enough to navigate settings lol


oh my god they did not-


…i think this is truly the beginning of the end for classic player customization. next they’re make every “classic” t-shirt offsale, then “classic” shirts and pants, eventually nothing will remain of what the platform’s player customization has been built upon for well over a decade now


Roblox, you never cease to amaze me with how shit you are…

Would it have killed you to NOT take offsale already existing items? Sure, you might not want to make more, but why take them offsale?

I’m not a fan of 3d clothing, but you integrated them well into the current Roblox ecosystem, aside from relearning some buttons, it was seamless. You should’ve done that with faces.

But instead, you decided you should start taking faces offsale. This first “wave” already took out some beloved faces, some for being meme material and some just in general. But now they’re gone and you’ve got me worrying about what’s next, not only which faces, but which other features, like R6 or 2d clothing are going to be affected next.

This blow, could’ve maybe been softened if 3d faces weren’t at shit as they are. Faces are attached to heads, which kills creativity, and the faces themselves are definitely not 1:1. Here’s an example with the man face:



There are some very clear differences. An even more egregious example is the Chill face:



Oh, not to mention many faces that were originally free as 2D faces now cost upwards of 2 dollars! But you know what? Chill and Man Face are actually lucky, there are dozens if not hundreds of faces that simply do not have a 3D counterpart, and this isn’t just obscure faces either, no, very popular faces like Check It or Yawn or Dizzy do not have 3D faces. You have 12 3D heads, and 100+ 2D faces. You haven’t even begun to remake all of these into 3D heads. And yet, you decide that it’s fine to take them down. Amazing, truly amazing.

I think it’s very clear 3D faces are generally not favored. 3D clothing, while most likely still extremely beaten in “market share,” is actually not hard to find across the site, in various uses. 3D faces? I might see one every few servers. It’s not a popular choice.

But you know what? You still win Roblox, you get to force your shit update and get me to panic buy faces. Why would you ever change? For the good of your users? LOL.


well that is true unfortunately :frowning:


Cool update and all, ain’t sure about the decal faces going off-sale though.


I support Roblox’s vision to improve avatars and give users the ability to express themselves. I do not agree with forced adoption. The platform is free to put new avatar technologies front and center but it should not come at a sacrifice of continued support for classic customisation.

There are an abundance of reasons why I do not enable new avatar technologies in any of my experiences and never will either:

  • I create custom avatars and have certain expectations on scaling and constructs.
  • New technologies are not performant.
  • Backwards incompatibility or lack of further customisation to make up for it (e.g. accessory position adjustment).
  • Aesthetic preference. Just like Roblox has a vision for avatars on the site, so do I avatars for my experiences. Where unwarranted, I’d like my vision(s) to be respected too.

I’m not saying that I’m against the introduction of dynamic heads altogether, but I have my reasons for refusing to adopt new avatar technologies in my experiences. I’ve accepted R15 (and so much of the platform did after initial pushback) but that’s where I stop: R15 with classic scaling (any Avatar Scaling option and its constrained values excluding Body Type and Proportions).

I am also not happy with how in some weeks prior to this being officially announced, Roblox - at several points in time - strongarmed dynamic heads onto my avatar even after I removed them.


I’m disappointed with this change. As others have said, a lot of the dynamic heads no longer fit correctly with accessories. Me personally, I don’t want roblox tracking my face to make my avatar’s head change. It feels weird, and not like roblox.

When engines like Unreal are pushing farther and farther ahead with improved performance, advanced tooling, increased fidelity, massive scaled worlds, and procedural workflows (Unreal Engine 5.2 Tech Demo Full Presentation | State of Unreal GDC 2023 - YouTube) I’m excited to know roblox is working hard on updating their heads to be the absolute best the Metaverse™ has to offer. Insane stuff, keep it up!!!