We’re updating Heads!

Literally this!! 2023 and still no ui blur lol.


Pick a struggle y’all Rthro or dynamic faces :man_facepalming: Please do something else bro


I like this update. I agree with others that you shouldn’t remove classic faces, but I still think this is a really cool feature that can make games more immersive!

I do have one question though. I have a blockhead, and do not plan on switching from it anytime soon. Are there any plans to allow me to have an animated head in some way? (Extra points if I could somehow still use winning smile with it, but I would understand if that wasn’t possible.)

Yes, I’m not complaining about dynamic faces either, but it’s too bad that it’s forced to be used. But it’s not hard to understand why they do this, if they didn’t force them to use dynamic faces, no one will use dynamic faces.


Alright, I’m going to share my 2¢ here and say that I’m pretty sure most, if not all of us, would have been fine if these new animated heads/faces hadn’t “replaced” the long-standing decal faces that have been around since pretty much the start of the website.

However, the replacement of classic image faces with animated heads is just one of the concerns related to this update. However, the more troubling issue lies in the response from ROBLOX Staff to criticism. Negative feedback is often met with disregard, deletion, or even alterations that selectively remove critical aspects, particularly those pointing out flaws in the moderation of replies under this post. In sharp contrast, positive responses are not given an equal level of consideration as negative ones.

In the end, there’s not much we can really do about this update, as negative feedback, and people pointing out how flawed the animated faces look & work is mostly ignored by the people who can actually do anything, I’m pretty sure even this response will be ignored.


no one cares about your obviously influenced opinion

at least say something new, this has already been said upwards of 10 times

my brother in christ community feedback matters and forced updates suck we need actual real updates that improve not the engine not vrchat 2


there are better things to complain about

show me the better things to complain about the item holding update? yeah that sucked and it was forced
AND DONT YOU DARE SAY engine bugs because II LITERALLY SAID engine improvements matters more


Like you. What have you contributed to this post? Absolutely nothing

idk man, you should expect that to happen at this point

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everyone has something of value to bring to the table. even me.


i really should expect it loll

ok you guys honestly nobody really cares anymore

yeah it’s a bad update but they’re not gonna change what they’re doing and honestly there’s no reason to argue in a devforum reply section, so just stop

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Ok, sure, and what everyone else is doing is making it 100% clear they don’t like this update. You? You’re just telling everyone to shut up because it’s not important, which is not useful.

I think thats just you my friend


honestly, take dynamic faces out of it. roblox is making a pretty large change (phasing out something that’s been around for 10+ years, on every avatar) despite a lot of pushback from the community. i dont think its good that they’d go ahead and do this without getting feedback first

It’s normal that you don’t understand this because you signed up for Roblox 2021. If you had seen the old roblox, you would have given us the right.


Okay this is actually insane :skull:


yeah i registered that in my reply lol