We’re updating Heads!

Even the amount he asked was 10$ compared to the mountain of cash they have wasting on tech that will never actually be used by their playerbase, just tryna make investors happy


This is good, but I don’t see the actual classic head. All I see are other classic heads I’ve obtained. They haven’t yet forced me to use an animated face, so perhaps it’ll show up later. If it’s optional and I can switch out of it, then I have no further issues.


this is perhaps the best worst post ive ever seen here


just unequip your current classic head, dynamic heads aren’t the default if you have none equipped


they are also professional digital marketers in there too, to digital market they have to try trends, the latest trend is the metaverse, however they stopped it some time now, and no they are not forcing, everything is optional, however as a company, they have to promote it, roblox wont make roblox ads to promote stuff like that, so they’ll keep being a pest with it, making you think YOU HAVE TO, that is what they want, it is up to you to realize what they are trying to do to get you to use it, and ignore it if you do not like it, so kind of forcing but it’s just tryna promote stuff in your face, so you know it exists, however like I said it is optional.


it wasnt 10 dollars tho, again read up on the case.
Also that’s not how investors work, if roblox were to make an update that causes most of the community to leave it would not make investors happy, as the value would decline and they wouldn’t profit.

And I highly doubt the investors are calling them up saying “hey you should add this feature just to piss off the community”

The “default head” is found by just equipping and unequipping a head.
This might change though.

And now that I’ve said that, it’ll likely actually be the case sometime later on. Bruh.


This started a real werid fight a fight with over almost 200 replies.
Still, agreed. This is the (worst, best) post i’ve ever seen. Mostly worst.


In regards to the actual post itself, yes, worst this year by far.
In regards to the replies…

dear god what have we created


Regardless, I’m just glad Roblox didn’t outright remove classic faces and force everyone into Dynamic Heads. :hidere:

Okay, this is seriously breaking my DevForum every 5 minutes.


ok why is chill face gone and why is it 120 robux now


not really, people thought with r15 r6 would go away, and it didnt
people thought with rthro blocky would go away, and it didnt
people also thought with 3D clothing the classic clothing would go away, and it also didnt

so if we follow the pattern (and the fact that they stated in the announcement that you could just switch back to the default head), then we can come to the conclusion that they wont be getting rid of classic heads

thats not how stocks work dude, buying a share of a company doesn’t get you access to anything special. Investors have no say in how management works, they only give feedback to increase their stock share.


Thats bare minimum but i guess i have to take it.

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exactly, and updates that piss off the community wouldnt increase stock share, so i doubt the investors are giving any advice

Dear roblox officials, please do not make these incorrect updates, if this continues soon, you will lose most of your former players. OK, there may be dynamic faces, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN THAT THE OLD FACES WILL BE OFF-SALE. We can find dynamic faces in every game, but like 2d faces, everything you call old is the reason roblox is played. @SergeantBlocky


satire post, pick up a tone indicator

its only another excuse to hate on anything really, without thinking of any easy solutions or alternatives.

Well, only a small portion of free or cheap classic faces remain. :slightly_frowning_face:


tone isnt conveyed well through online text, try a /s or another indicator