We’re updating Heads!

Roblox has always done this. Get used to it. Or else you will be emotionally sad.

You need to accept that Roblox will eventually deprecate the Sound instance altogether, along with the DataModel and Player instance, and replace them with MetaSound and MetaModel instances.

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theres a difference between something that doesn’t matter and something that creates good memories.


Honestly, the dynamic heads are fine to me. Nothing really too special in my opinion.
But I don’t like the fact that Roblox took some of the mostly known classic faces off-sale.
It’s even worse when you have the whole camera thing going on. That’s a whole privacy violation.
Speaking of the whole camera thing, I wonder if mobile will have any performance issues with this.
Also speaking of the whole camera thing, couldn’t hackers easily get access to your camera?
Back to the dynamic heads, they don’t work well with face accessories, which you can find many examples of that already in other replies.
I think I speak for the majority of people when I say this change isn’t very good and please bring the classic faces back on-sale.

can’t wait for them to remove r6 and for every developer to start leaving


I Honestly think that roblox’s marketplace team are actually crazy

Limited Holding Periods, Ruining classic faces ?, No thought is going into these features that they are releasing and its unfair for roblox to take a hit for that.

There so obsessed with this metaverse still even if they claim there not.

Yes, dm everyone who likes that post. The good images are gone now!

The new version is called r7.

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If they remove r6 that will be my genuine last straw

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If Roblox removes R6 it would suck, R6 is literally the classic ROBLOX.

everyone is gonna move to blockland I swear

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No, it will not. I’ve prepared a nuclear bunker for this moment:

Unfortunately, it does not protect us from the reign of dynamic heads. However, we cannot revert this change no matter how hard we tried.


Couldn’t someone just make one of those scripts that removes certain accessories and add in all of the dynamic head IDs?

That’s a great resource. Definitely bookmarking that.

tip: moderators ignore posts if you delete all of them

That’s necessary to stop the reign of UGC. I’m sorry but I have no idea what you just said.

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I feel like this should be reversed… make it an opt-in not an opt-out feature. It’s going to be weird seeing the millions of ancient accounts all wearing this new-school item. No other update that I can recall has forced people to wear something new.


some people love or hate this witch is why we should choose if we want these heads or not

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why is he actually shape like the MAN Head from the classic heads


I’m pretty sure they’d never do away with all the original faces.

Think of it this way, equipping and unequipping a Dynamic Head does several things already.

R15 and R6 animations work with or without Dynamic Heads by default if it’s equipped or not, but also, automatically animates when equipped.

Since the only change is the head having extra rigging and more polygons, it’s essentially still a player-choice article that should expand on Roblox, R15 and R6 should easily remain compatible with the old faces and heads because the only thing changing is the ability to add an animated head that already has the animations baked into the default games. EDIT, 8/13/2023, R6 animation set does not have Dynamic Head animations built in, you have to apply animations to them separately!! EDIT END

Nevertheless, I agree the old faces and heads should be preserved regardless.


From what i’ve seen they’re working on tools to migrate R6 games to R15, alongside something in regards to trying to achieve accurate R6>R15 emulation. I doubt it’ll be fully gone as you can probably just still use the R6 model, but they’re definitely trying to move people towards R15 (which i guess makes sense from a game engine standpoint)


As a long-time member of the Roblox development community, I find myself increasingly disheartened by the recent changes the platform has undergone. It feels like Roblox’s once-cherished essence has been overshadowed by a pursuit of short-term gains, neglecting the well-being and desires of its creators, players, and community members.

The decision to remove classic faces, compelling users to purchase dynamic versions of faces they already own seems improper. This move appears to prioritize profit over the sense of inclusivity and nostalgia that faces brought to the community.

Moreover, the implementation of these changes seems rushed and poorly executed. Dynamic heads still suffer from accessory clipping issues, and the placement of floating heads on some characters disrupts the overall player experience, especially when the ‘vision’ is “for everyone to be able to express themselves just like in real life.” Don’t know about you, but I can’t seem to figure out how to make my head float.

Honestly, with almost every major change, it just seems to get more and more depressing to create on this platform. Network reliability types? Videos? GIFs? Proper memory management tools? Functional automoderation for assets? No CoreScript memory leaks? A real customer support team? Who needs all that when you have dynamic heads!!!

I know what I’m posting has been said over and over in this thread, but I feel a little less useless giving my input. Less useless not really meaning much since community feedback is in and of itself useless.


Like in a metaverse ? i thought you wanted to drop that whole stunt, thats the reason your stock is half its original IPO

Classic faces shouldnt be ruined for a poor alternative

The new dynamic faces are ugly, poor quality, poor choices, overpriced
this feels more like a greedy move from roblox , its also a cheap marketing stunt to make people actually buy them by ruining the old faces. Also dynamic faces dont even fit accessory’s correctly.

Well they wont be, why you lying. A Roblox staff once said they wouldnt ruin classic avatars and look what you have announced today.

The camera idea as well it all feels unthought, disfunct and a bit creepy to be honest.