We’re updating Heads!

dear god but what about “Sadfaic”?

How roblox feels after further destroying the website and its reputation:


Most of the time, I think of outrage at Roblox’s updates is slightly unwarranted. Nothing since I joined in 2015 is as insulting to someone who has poured thousands of hours into Roblox as this change is.

i get it man, i joined on a banned account back in 2016 and almost everything from 2018 and up has not a good thing.

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holy bruh bro wrote the declaration of independence


Daily reminder, investors are our true enemies :saluting_face:


throughout all of it, I could say “i don’t have to adopt whatever dumb change Roblox has made” but this is FORCED. the only comparable change to this is the price floors and the upload fees


bro, what. like, literally why force anybody, most notably, new players to this?


(post deleted by author)

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ok cool can you put the classic faces back on-sale now


well spoken, this makes everything so clear for me. thanks!

Having played Roblox for 12 years now, this is one of the changes in a while that I’ve actually really do not want to happen. I never minded when R15 or Rthro was added, it was just optional, and they were nice changes that allow you to have more options. This does make faces more lively, but I think this feels more like an impulse decision that wasn’t thought through well enough. Some faces we have in the catalog were not made to be animated like this, they will just not look right at all. I am fine with the addition animated version of faces we already have, but please don’t just outright lock people out from just a simple, static face if that’s what they want.




This is just usseles response, we only want to be able to use, and purchase classic faces dude, it isn’t that hard, just do a pack like you guys did with rtho, so we got a bundle of the animated face and a the classic one, it isn’t hard, we dont want a “client” treatment, we want a nearby confident speak with roblox as a comunityz because you guys getting money from us, and forcing at same time to do something that no one wants, literally yoy are removing something that doesnt “upgrade” the initial thing, yoy downgrading since you deleating a customization option.

For real, stop with this stupid corporation responses, start giving us real causes of why you making this, and the worst part is that you asked for feedback, and still didn’t give us nothing we asked for.

Roblox like always acting tiranicly


Is it not possible to turn buying faces into a bundle purchase? That would allow for the classic and the new animated face to be purchased at the same price, at the same time. That would also fix the problem of users only finding the animated face when they search, or users only finding the static face when they search for it. ROBLOX already has a system to give users items in bundles with the avatar bundles that existed in the 2010’s for body types and Xbox preset avatars, so it wouldn’t require ROBLOX to dedicate resources to making a system for buying both things at once. It feels like a slap in the face to the promise to preserve legacy content when you remove the option for players to purchase and wear the static faces.


care to elaborate i don’t understand

I added that jumpscare to my latest video for some reason
“devforum dynamic heads in 10 seconds”
the mods fear me

ok now thats actually creepy as hell

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I usually don’t reply on these types of posts because I’m a terminal lurker but please do not go through with this change, it’s really bad! I personally do not want to use an animated face nor would I in the foreseeable future, but taking away my (and others’) options to buy other faces completely goes against your stated goal of giving more options for users to express themselves. Please reconsider!


Roblox has run out of their one “pity PR reply” and now they will ignore this thread and go through with this trash.

The part I can’t stand is forcing this- do all you want but please allow people to use normal faces.