We’re updating Heads!

I decided to write up my observations about how this feature launch has failed to meet the community’s expectations, and how learnings can generally be applied for future feature deprecations and removals.


do you think they draw straws to see who has to tell the community about a bad feature and get harassed for it


A shame that roblox won’t follow this and will instead continue to berate us with continuous deprecation thinly veiled as ‘innovative features’ to ‘promote expression and empower imagination’.


All that I am going to say is that you made a mistake, remaking classic faces into animated ones, thats cool! but completely removing HISTORY of your company off the platform IS a mistake.


roblox should remove their company because they are getting hate!!


Roblox should remove the toolbox because too much bad stuff!!! (real feedback)

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Very sad to see that even after promises were made to avoid this type of situation and take more community feedback into account we seem to be back at square one again. Very well written post, and I hope someone at Roblox takes it into consideration!

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This is where it should’ve stopped, and this is where efforts should’ve respected. The avatar team cannot spread this blatant falsehood as well as say that our feedback is heard but then proceed to fail to address a huge number of the concerns in this thread. I’ve already expressed several times before in avatar update threads and feature requests that I respect Roblox’s forward vision on avatars but wish for classic customisation to be respected, as have many others. Removing choices from a platform that prides itself on a user-first experience does not match the message being attempted here and tries to sidestep the issue as “you still get the same experience”.

Roblox’s future avatar technologies are not widely desired and this has been demonstrated many times in the past, such as the Rthro experience sort initiative in the past to promote experiences pioneering new avatar technologies. There are many existing issues starting from the lack of performance of new technologies to how they are not aesthetically desirable.

I have mentioned in this post that I will never enable new avatar technologies in my experience and while I don’t speak for others, I don’t doubt this is a widely held sentiment either.

I know that the teams at Roblox aren’t stupid. Even despite the sterilisation of Roblox’s identity on many fronts and the removal of customisation, they are very well aware about the sentiments of the community especially about avatars. I’m just not seeing the connect here on why the teams are disrespecting and sacrificing classic avatars to force adoption of new avatar technologies despite reassuring the community many times in the past here and across news outlets that the classic avatars we know and love that made Roblox’s identity what it is today would continue to be preserved.

There are better ways to promote new avatar technologies front and center without pointing a steaming gun barrel at classic features, something that has demonstrably invoked the community’s ire. The anger is not unfounded; it is possible to add more avatar options without removing existing ones. The decisions behind this are purely silly and don’t line up with statements that have been put out.


They already killed it when they removed 17 years of archived blog posts that preserved a lot of history


Bro please just let us keep our old faces as an option :expressionless: Thats all we want

I will not either. No way am I letting these souless crappy faces in my R6 games


Remember kids, for just 15 easy payments of $9.99 you will be able to use our brand new AVATAR editor, its similar to the old avatar editor, BUT nothing works until later on.

I know what you are thinking, thats messed up of us but and hear me out.
We are now removing all other options (: :slight_smile:

Heres what you can do about it:
-Play a different game.
-Cry about it.
-Who cares what you think, our investors wanted it.


1000th post, (not) step up your game roblox, we dont like alien faces, we just want normal faces that looked like the ones they were, your throwing away bacons and who knows, next is gonna be dynamic hair which is gonna cause alot of lag…

Okay roblox, you dont want me to post here anymore. :unamused:

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If I may ask, how will animated faces work for faces that don’t hace a mouth? Most faces do have one but there are a select few that have no conventional mouth or a mouth of any type at all. For example the “:3” face has a unconventional sideways facing mouth.

So why not provide both faces under one purchase. If you purchase the animated head, you will get its classic face alternative. Roblox speaks all about giving users a choice when developing experiences or dressing up their avatars but then does things like this which restrict ones ability to do so. I can ignore Rhtro, as forced as that was initially, it was ultimately still a choice when it came to purchasing and wearing it. But this isn’t a choice. You can state how “you will still have the classic heads you bought” but if you’re removing the ability for new users to be able to purchase them in the future, you’re still taking away that choice.


Here’s my conspiracy theory: ROBLOX is trying to wipe out R6 permanently and this is just one step towards it.
They never bothered to fix up the faces for R6 avatars nor did they use their remaining braincells to have the classic faces as an alternative (for R6 at the very least).
They want R6 gone. That’s why they didn’t even bother to have someone reputable make this up nor make the ‘’‘feedback’‘’ post. Gotta save face while removing them, you know!!


Funny how an “avatar they love” could be something with a 2D, non-animated face, to invoke nostalgia, or maybe a classic feeling. You don’t care about people having an avatar they love, you care about them having an avatar that flexes the platform’s technical capability to appeal to advertisers and stockholders.


If you actually wanted to “empower avatars” to allow players to “express themselves”, you would not be arbitrarily restricting users to purchase and use one version of a face.

Stop trying to trick the community into thinking you’re making this change for our sake, because it’s very clear that an agenda is being pushed with the removal of old faces. If creativity and user expression is what truly mattered to you, you wouldn’t be trying to restrict creativity the way you are now.

If you’re going to make a crummy decision, then just say you’re making a decision. Don’t try and make it seem like you care about people when you don’t.

Additionally, this another one of many times that Roblox has jumped people with sudden updates like this without proper forewarning. I distinctly remember in either a post about the material update, or animation blending update, or CSG update, can’t remember which, that Roblox would be more transparent moving forward and warn developers before these changes were made, which you have failed to do here yet again.

It’s literally impossible to put any form of faith or trust in Roblox, primarily because of this exact problem. Make a mistake, backpedal after extreme backlash, make update slightly more bareable, and then say “It won’t happen again! We promise!”, before making the exact same mistakes later. There is absolutely no way to trust this platform if the actions taken and the words spoken by Roblox don’t line up.

Stop. Pretending. You care. If you’re going to pretend you care, and then cover it up in euphemisms, then I think I’d rather you just not respond at all. At least that way, the developer community doesn’t have to hear hollow, empty words that waste their time being read.


ya this upd sucks ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

if youll notice by this example. i think i know the direction roblox is trying to push for in 2023


(post deleted by author)

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That’s true. I’ve given up caring at this point, this platform is going down the drain at this point lol. I’m exaggerating but also kind of not

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