We’re updating Heads!

i think roblox updates are perfect and the community loves them!

i’m not a rofed i swear

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(post deleted by author)


Cannot wait for this feature to ship out in the year 2300!


100s of replies after a follow up later, Roblox has dug more of a hole for themselves. Nice work Roblox! You never fail to ruin things.


2300? sir, the timeline for such a difficult task is at least year 3000. but thank you in advance


“wdym, they have it on the roadmap! that means it has to be coming soon, right?”

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Oh yeah I forgot, apologies for the diaristic error. Wait aren’t you sure its not year 3500?

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The addition of animated faces is interesting. However I do not support the removal of the old faces which the community appreciates. Me along with the rest of the community that expresses their opinion about this change has mostly been a negative response.

I don’t quite understand how the classic faces that’s already been approved for almost the entirety of ROBLOX have been removed and forced to introduce a new face feature to the community. We should be able to choose between both options.

Another thing I don’t understand is how ROBLOX’s vision is to empower avatars to express themselves when one of the most influential avatar features is being removed. I would not see a problem of keeping the classic faces on-sale since the player would have more variety, however removing that variety and only giving limited features doesn’t seem all that empowering avatars for players.

Removing classic faces and only giving players the choice of dynamic heads would be the same thing as placing all classic shirts/t-shirts and pants off-sale and the only clothing that is provided to the player is 3D clothing.

I beg for the ROBLOX Staff to rethink this change. The community has spoken their opinion about this update and it’s not a positive one. A simple change to bringing back the classic faces on-sale would change the community’s opinion to a positive one. Please listen to your community.


this entire thread is devolving into something i’d see in the forums back in 2015 roblox plz add Roblox Talk and Off Topic to devforum

also the forcing of these new faces are bad happy 1,000 replies can we get to 2,000

Silver lining at least is that pre-owned classic faces will stay in your inventory and you wont need to re-purchase it for the dynamic head version. Lets just hope that free classic faces get converted to free animated heads, but I suspect they may not.

Probably not, seeing as the current dynamic heads don’t mesh well with the looks of most Rhtro packages. I think Roblox realized that Rhtro failed to meet expectations and now Dynamic heads are kind of the 2.0 of trying to push new features onto people, this time harder then before.

i’m a little late to the party, but amid this mess of a thread which seems to have devolved into people meming and insulting roblox’s workplace ethics somehow, i suppose i’ll chime in after skimming through the thread;

so, despite all of this talk of ‘freedom of expression’, believe it or not, forcing people to use your janky new heads is only limiting the amount of freedom your players have in the avatar creator, which is obviously against what you say your vision for the platform is, but not only that, taking everything offsale is also literally gatekeeping the legacy faces from new players (which, you know, limits creative freedom when making your avatar.)

this is the most i’ve seen devforum riled up since the audio privacy update (which i’d like to remind everyone that roblox has forgotten about and not delivered their promises on to this day; swept under the rug, if you will, which i’m still bitter about), and the criticisms towards roblox are in my opinion completely justified, roblox removing legacy content and forcing people to use new things has been a recent trend with them lately, and it is, to some degree, scary, because who knows what they could target next.

all in all, this is a massive change made on a very short notice with little opportunity for feedback from your community (what else is new?) and, to be frank, it’s a terrible change. gatekeeping your new players is not giving them freedom to express themselves with their avatars, it’s only limiting it; not everyone wants to use your shiny new faces, all of which evident by the 1000 replies in this thread. please, for the love of god roblox, listen to your community. and also please let us share music on the marketplace again i beg you


“In the future…”

These are empty promises until delivered because Roblox sits on these things for 5+ years half the time. Killing off a major branch of avatar customization options before all of the supporting technology (repositioning accessories, head shapes) are ready is another retelling of the same old story we’ve been complaining about for half a decade. Stop doing this. There’s no great rush to pull the old faces and head shapes off sale until everything is up to par. People will migrate if the tech is good.


Roblox is doing a great job covering up all of the brutally honest feedback right now :+1:

I thought the goal here was to make this update look amazing but I guess there’s so much backlash that if they were to censor it they would be in a much deeper hole.

They listen to feedback once in a blue moon covered up or not.

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Yeah. In the midst of all this “trashposting” as the forumers used to call it, there is a message in the madness that is LOUD AND CLEAR. *DO NOT TAKE THE CLASSIC FACES OFFSALE! PEOPLE WANT TO BUY THEM! I’m not sure what Roblox doesn’t understand. Nobody dislikes the new faces that much. This wouldn’t be an issue otherwise.


Same thing with the audio update. When Roblox completely killed audio sharing I was promised Roblox was working as quickly as possible to get improvements out. 1.5+ years later and Roblox is silent.

This has been repeated time and time again by Roblox, they seem to have the culture of pushing out updates but not refining or completing them (similar to Google company culture)


So i got an interesting question. HOW CAN I REPORT if someone mouths the words “Commit neck rope” like how can yall prove/disprove it im actually curious to know. You said in your feedback to us. NOTHING IS RECORDED OR KEPT. so if someone mouths HORRIBLE things at me. yall wont have any way to help against that. wonderful so if someone offers me candy at a specific address i guess im just going to go.

something scary to me is that this faq mentioned blocky avatars. why would they think we’re concerned about blocky if they aren’t planning to do anything about it? Roblox has shown many many many many MANY times they will plainly lie to their users

i will honestly be surprised if they ever allow music to be shared ever again, currently i suspect that the greyed-out button to share on the marketplace will magically disappear one day as if it were never there and roblox will never bring it up again.

and amazingly, something similar will probably happen this time as well, time will tell.


This is extremely stupid and depressing at the same time. How are you giving players the “ability to express themselves and communicate with their friends in deeper ways”???

By removing the old faces, you’re giving Roblox players ONE choice and one choice only, and that is to use the new faces. Not everybody wants to do that.

Please reconsider…

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