We’re updating Heads!

none of those fit my non-fursona avatars.
also i never consented changing my costumes and everything.

EDIT: They forced it TWICE IN A ROW it seems. I might be wrong and its because I didn’t save my costumed, but is roblox really this desperate?


Stevie Standard infection but they coming after other faces now too.

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Supposedly according to the leaked docs last year, the next avatar update after dynamic heads is the removal of R6, so I wouldn’t count on it


Still haven’t gotten the camera feature yet. When will it come so I can test it out…Only once.

This misses the point of what people used the classic avatars for

They do not want moving faces, they want a static one, when will you read the room here

I’m sorry for going off the handle but at this point one of your product team has to realise, the majority of users on Roblox don’t want this stuff, it looks uncanny and it doesn’t fit.

Considering that I tend to be generally supporting of avatar changes, this shifts when you try to force it on people, as much as I was critical of Rthro for being out of place, its not on the same level as this because it wasn’t forced.

Dynamic faces are a cool technology, and people have the full right to use them, but people should have the choice to continue with the original faces and not use the dynamic variants. Is it that hard to continue supporting the original Head mesh and Face decal?


Hey would you stop applying dynamic faces to my saved outfits without my consent. Thanks!

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What? it appears to be the same thing for the winning/million-dollar smile.

Edit: I decided to delete the other portion of this reply since I felt it was way too harsh.

Dynamic heads are good, but these current ROBLOX produced remakes aren’t, I’m pleased to see UGC content come in that looks so much better.

I’m also pleased to see Stevie standard get updated to looking more faithful to the original smile.


I appreciate the option of being able to at least switch your face to the classic variant, but why the absolute HELL are you charging so much more robux for these new faces?

So not only are you smearing all the classic faces into this creepy IMVU crap, you’re charging extra robux for something that was never supposed to be that expensive in the first place???


Wait what we can actually do that?


This issue still persists as a server warning after re-enabling dynamic heads.

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I hope that too for you :blush:, I still care for classic Roblox policy without anything harmful.

In a attempt to clarify what this guy said, heres everything, rewritten.

The goal for animated faces is to ensure everyone has an avatar they truly enjoy, while enabling natural and authentic communication and self-expression. (This, is contradicted by them putting the classic faces offsale.)

To achieve this, they are introducing the ability for all avatar heads to have animated facial expressions. Over time, they will gradually replace the traditional static face decals, which had been in use since 2008, with animated heads. These new heads will feature the same facial features and expressions, but with the added ability to move. As this process unfolds, you will receive upgraded animated heads for each classic face you own.

Their plan is to update most heads by the end of the year, with the remaining updates expected to be completed in 2024. In the short term, there will be a few differences:

  • Initially, each animated head will have only one head shape, which is fixed to the animated face. In the future, they will introduce the option to change head shapes, offering a similar range of face/head combinations as currently available. This probably will not include the strange-looking RTHRO heads.

  • The animated heads aren’t an exact match to the original head and face, which could affect how accessories fit. A new feature will be introduced later by Roblox to adjust accessory positions to fit better.

While they’re replacing classic face decals with animated heads for whatever reason, the beloved Roblox faces will remain. Once a face is upgraded, the corresponding classic face will be put offsale, and replaced with the animated head. It’s important to note that this change won’t impact the faces you already own, as you have those in your inventory.

When the feature to animate faces using your camera is released, you’ll have the choice to animate your face using your phone or computer’s camera. This is optional and requires your consent. No video from your camera will be transmitted towards Roblox or any other miscellaneous company, as all processing occurs on your device. If you opt not to use your camera, default animations can still be used.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Why were classic heads and faces taken off-sale?
    When a upgraded head with facial animation is introduced, they remove the corresponding classic face to offer only one version for purchase. Faces you already own won’t be removed from your inventory and can be worn on Classic Heads like normal.

  • Why are they making these changes?
    They’re striving to empower avatars that allow players to express themselves and communicate more deeply. Upgrading all faces to support animation is part of this vision of theirs.

  • Is the blocky style being removed?
    No, they’re supposedly committed to all avatar styles, including the classic look, while enhancing avatars with the latest technologies like face animation.

  • Can the original head shape be restored?
    Yes, your original classic head is still available in your inventory under “Classic Head.” They’ll introduce a way for animated heads to match classic shapes.

  • What if I can’t find the matching animated head?
    If you had a static face equipped, the corresponding animated head will be in your inventory under “Heads.” Some animated head names may differ from static versions, but they’re working to fix this for clarity.

  • Will avatar heads be upgraded too?
    Yes, more heads will be upgraded to support facial animation, with the goal of enabling animation for all heads on Roblox by 2024.

  • Is facial animation data stored?
    Animation key frames generated using your camera are instantly deleted and not shared. Video from your camera remains on your device.

  • Can I choose not to enable my camera?
    Enabling the camera for animation is optional, and you can still express yourself using emotes without using the camera.

  • Why do animated heads look different?
    Adapting faces for animation might require technical or artistic adjustments, leading to slight differences. They plan to introduce ways for animated heads to match classic shapes.

  • Why don’t animated heads work well with some accessories?
    Technical and artistic constraints for animation might result in small shape differences. Adjustments for accessory positions will be added to improve fit.

  • Why are animated heads more expensive?
    To supposedly ensure “fair value” for user-created avatars, animated head prices will be higher, as creators in the UGC Program can soon make animatable bodies and heads. This limits imagination but whatever. Mom’s credit card will suffice./sarcasm

  • What will happen to Limited faces?
    Limited faces will be updated to be animated, retaining the same serial number and limited quantity while gaining the ability to express emotions.

  • Where will my 2D face go?
    Roblox is going to introduce a slider to switch between the 3D and 2D faces. No estimated launch date though.

Just so everyone knows; On a personal note, I must admit that I’m quite disappointed with the direction these changes are taking. It appears that these alterations could potentially add unnecessary complexities for both developers and users. While I can appreciate the underlying motivation to enhance avatars and facilitate deeper expression, it seems there could have been a more straightforward and user-friendly approach to implementing these updates.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that a substantial portion of the community seems to be expressing significant reservations about the decision to update Classic Faces. A large majority of users have voiced their dissatisfaction with the change, expressing concerns about the loss of the iconic Roblox faces that have become integral to the platform’s identity. Many are anxious about the potential loss of unique and cherished avatar looks that have been cultivated over time.

Given the passionate feedback from the community, it might be worthwhile for the team to reconsider the scope and implementation of these changes. Taking into account the strong connection users have with the platform and their avatars, finding a balance between innovation and preserving the beloved aspects of Roblox could lead to a more positive outcome for everyone involved.


On July 28, Roblox released 10 new animated heads in the marketplace and provided an update to this post. It has been over two weeks, and there have been no new heads or updates since then.

I’m just hoping that, behind the scenes, Roblox is trying their best to properly approach our concerns. This radio silence is getting worrying. Yesterday I just panic-bought five classic faces that I kinda wanted, out of fear that they’re never going to be obtainable ever again.

On the bright side, I’ve noticed newer versions of some heads on admin accounts recently, which now seem more accurate to their classic 2D versions. So it looks like Roblox is trying to make these animated heads as close as possible to the classic versions. They’re still not perfect, and some of them still have offset attachments, but this is definitely an improvement.


Can someone shorten this? I can’t read all of that, sooo…


Just read most other messages on this post and you’ll get the idea.

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New faces look cool but Roblox still need to reshape the Chill face mounth.


I don’t know about this one though…

It just looks disproportional.


Looks great to me. There is nothing wrong with maintaining the shape of the classic face.

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I meant the smile. The position of it is fine, not so much the size of it.

Ah, whoops… give me a moment, I’ll shorten it down. Didn’t wanna write a book. :,)