We’re updating Heads!

Roblox is thinking :3 has a mustache-


Well technically speaking, that is how “:3” is supposed to look because the emoticon it’s based off of is meant to look like a cat.

If only it didn’t look so creepy…

this aged well “more backlash in just a few hours than any other update in 2023”


And yet, they’re still going through with it. What the hell?


oh god that is awful–

please roblox give it just a small mouth below the 3, and connect it too.

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What’s even more unsettling about this is the fact that I can see where the eyebrows would have been if the face had eyebrows.

naw I’m sick and tired of this company ruining their website. If they remove R6 I quit. This company is a joke. I can’t even wear whatever I want I’m forced to wear what “they want” therefore this company is gonna go downhill and they’ll lose everything they’ve ever owned.


bruh you guys have bigger things to worry about

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Oh no! cohen30 is going to leave Roblox because they are removing R6! Anyways…

get flagged

omg you unlocked imagepowers(free flag)

I like how when people have nothing to do in a situation they wanna involve theirself into a conversation they had no part in to begin with. Like wow, so mature omg

What has this conversation even turned into :skull:

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I dont even know, we have an underaged member and a imageer (no, not you) on this forum. Like bro what :sob:

you seem like a 6 year old because of your grammar :skull: :skull:

Oh, I didn’t know you were from 2012! Respect to you

bro is google searching reasons to put in before he gets caught :skull:

that didn’t even make sense you’re just making yourself look uneducated “bro is” you talking to a audience with 1 person?

Yeah that sentence alone explains your age with an uneducated generation that has a need to copy others comebacks and have a need to put themself on blast for a online game over an opinion who’s more superior. I’m simply venting an issue

i’m 14 not 5 or smth-

okay yes i was 12 when i joined this forum, my birthday didn’t happen yet

then why are you ‘virtually chatting’ to me you’re a kid.

Anyways, delete this off-topic non sense and leave my vent and go on with your days.

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