We’re updating Heads!

I will say this again… My PURCHASED headless horseman head was removed from my inventory and replaced by a version 2 headless dynamic headless head. I’m livid about it. Just how do you animate a “headless head”. It’s the one thing that truly should have been left alone. It’s a travesty to be honest. So when you tell players “If you want to switch back to an unanimated head, you can find your previous head in your inventory under Classic Head” this is NOT always the case. I’m not the only one affected by this and I can assure you not everyone is happy about this mess.


I can’t express how mad I am about this. I don’t even have the classic headless head anymore because they took it out of my inventory.


It’s crazy how fast they changed their minds on that, without even an announcement or anything. This makes me very scared of the future and how easily it’d be for them to delete all of the classic faces out of peoples inventories.

They seem to be rolling the new head out slowly since I still see people with the old one, it’s sad how little they’ve learned and they’re still rolling out inferior versions that replace the originals.


The dynamic heads would have been just fine if they would just leave the classic heads/faces alone. This is to extra for my taste. I’m not sure what they are trying to accomplish here but it’s not working out for the players so well.


While I think it’s pretty dumb that they’re removing previously-owned classic heads from your inventory, the new headless head is visually the exact same. It has the same attachment positions, etc.

My guess is that they wanted the head to be compatible with dynamic face accessories, e.g. beards and eyebrows. I remember people even asking for this when dynamic heads were first released. So if you’re wearing an accessory that deforms with your mouth when you talk, this will be reflected on the headless head as well.

The only real issue with the newer head is that you can’t preview it with BTRoblox correctly in R15.


The dynamic headless in R15 is fine for me but in R6 I have this ugly head that I just can’t seem to get past. I prefer the classic version of headless over this new mess they are pushing onto us. Especially since we paid a lot of money for it.


Headless Head works fine in R6, what are you talking about?

It was broken when it first released, but they got it fixed a few days ago.

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It doesn’t work fine for me. I will try it in-game but I have doubts.


Well that’s clearly not R6 since you’re wearing layered clothing.

Also, try refreshing your thumbnail if it’s still displaying an older version of the head. It works fine in-game.

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It not being invisible in the preview still sucks

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Ok so I see now, it does work in R6 although it didn’t for me at first. I still say we should be allowed to keep the classic version though because this is nothing less than a pain.


Wait, does the invisible SurfaceAppearance texture not work in 3D avatar thumbnails?

If it doesn’t then my mistake.

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No, it doesn’t. It looks horrible. I’m very disappointed over it to be honest.


beautiful news. [/s]
im tired of avoiding being dramatic. i dont care if it virtually looks the same. im tired.
this doesnt “reduce confusion” for new players at all. it just makes everyone annoyed.
at least with an invisible head, there’s practically no feasible way to make it look like a low-quality knockoff product like with regular faces.
but with many poorly-received updates like this one, roblox will quietly roll it out anyways seeing backlash has died down, in an unfinished buggy state, and it’ll never be talked about except in passing for the rest of time. i have to wonder why or how ive stuck around long enough to see this happen dozens of times over…


Yesterday I had a bunch of dynamic heads given to me with all the old classic heads removed. One was Blazeburner’s head.

(Roblox only seems to be removing classic heads that don’t support 2D faces, since I still own all the classic heads from the NeoClassic bundles or whatever you wanna call them.)

This outfit is just a meme, but this outfit relied on Blazeburner’s classic head. The dynamic version happens to completely break the layered clothing used on this outfit.

This outfit is now broken and there’s nothing I can do because Roblox removed the classic head from my inventory.
I don’t care too much since this outfit was just a joke, but this is still worrying. Roblox still has a LOT of classic heads/faces to go through, and who knows how many other user-created outfits with LC might end up breaking because of this?


Did blazeburner not have a wrap layer before? How the hell did they break it so hard? It’s like they don’t even test the stuff they release

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Oh, that’s why it’s broken. It’s a completely different mesh.


… right.

if i can still equip a classic head i already bought, then where are half of the ones i bought? bit inconsiderate to lie about something like this.


Roblox deleted the classic headless head from my Inventory and replaced it with a dynamic version. I want to have what I paid for in 2022, I do not want a dynamic head that requires equipping “Anime Mood” head (I don’t like this head, looks ugly in my opinion and I don’t want it equipped). I would like to have what I paid for, I think it is very unfair! People who paid for the classic head should still have it in their Inventory.


yes! i lost my classic headless in place of dynamic headless as well. i would have appreciated to keep a product that i bought as is, even if they still offered dynamic headless as an option. we dont currently have an option here anymore, which is what im annoyed about. every other feature on the platform is optional, so why isnt this?

and when/if they start making limited faces dynamic, it’s going to KILL the value. personally i dont care & havent cared about trading since ~2015, so that part doesnt bother me, not to mention kill the quality if roblox sincerely plans on shipping out dynamic heads in the condition that theyre in.