We’re updating Heads!

Understatement of the highest degree

Who thought this was a good idea? Why should Roblox get to decide how our avatars should look (within the boundaries of the rules, of course)



Even though some people prefer to express themselves with classic faces


Really. Is there any reason for the option to switch back to classic faces to be postponed? (Considering that we’re just allowing users to replace dynamic head with a mesh and image again which should take within the span of 4 months to implement). I do not know the estimated time where this will be resolved. I want just to be assured that this is being worked on and not deprioritized/dropped by the team that are working behind dynamic heads. I know the option to switch back will most likely be the most last things you guys would add.

In the meantime, if we can’t have options to switch back to classic faces through the respective assets, why make putting only one version on sale? This actually does seem like Roblox (in some specific part enacting this) is trying to force us to buy dynamic head, something we did not ask for, then drop the feature. Give us choice and stop undermining the phrase to “express yourself!!” This situation here, it harms Roblox’s credibility and Roblox had already showcased that you were able to switch back to classic faces. OVER SIX MONTHS, six months, people. I don’t think the engineers are to blame, I think the leadership is.

At this stage, I will continually bring reminder to this thread and will never let this be forgotten, because the forcing on consumers is unforgivable, under the company is unforgivable.

Let this speak


Vouch. Also: although I’m not a big trader or anything, it’s definitely worth saying that replacing the 2D versions of limited faces with 3D versions without a toggle will absolutely damage their value irreparably. It’s happened before, but unlike other times, this isn’t done for copyright purposes or some other reason. This is something completely avoidable.

Do better Roblox… not that I expect you to.


You should be able to switch to classic by going to heads aka body and click classic heads then faces


But what if they don’t have the classic versions of the faces first? They would have no choice but to stick with the dynamic versions of the faces if they don’t get the classic versions in time.


That’s true but newer roblox players would be used to dynamic heads and i think they get the classic smile, but yea i agree, nobody should be forced to use dynamic if they don’t want to

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I dislike this idea, because the “new” versions are very inconsistent with what we used to have.

“Braces” face in question:

At least give us the classic version upon purchase.
Not everyone has experience in MODELLING FULLY ANIMATED HEADS.

Also yes, I want to make a o_o stare in games experiences all the time.


Commenting to keep this open.

Also side note, the fact that the post above me said experiences instead of games is insanse.


I’m pretty sure most people say experiences lol

it’s done to mock. they aren’t serious about it. i don’t blame them.

also with complete radiosilence about this on roblox’s end i’m ready to assume they quietly shelved this idea and hoping everyone forgot it ever happened. either that or they’re actually taking time to rework these heads to their actual potential instead of pushing out more of them that look more like prototypes than anything else, but expecting that is like expecting to win the lottery.


Roblox hasn’t released any new dynamic heads onto the Marketplace in about six months, and they haven’t even created any new dynamic heads based on classic faces in about five months. I wonder what’s going on.

I’d really like to hope that they’re taking a step back to rethink their decisions around classic faces, but you never know.

They seem to be focusing on updating a lot of the existing “fantasy” avatar bundles at the moment:


Here’s the script I wrote if anyone wants it.
FindNewDynamicHeads.rbxm (1.6 KB)


Commenting to keep this open just like ya, don’t let robloxia forget about this


I’ve also noticed there hasn’t been any new dynamic head replacements or classic faces taken off sale over quite a lengthy period. I’m still frustrated about this considering there are off-sale faces that I’ve wanted to buy for months. And I’m not forgetting about the avatar editor update that was announced 9 MONTHS AGO which could allow you to SWITCH BETWEEN DYNAMIC & CLASSIC. :frowning:

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Roblox staff hosted an AMA earlier today. I tried asking about classic faces but unfortunately I didn’t get a response. Oh well.

On a lighter note, it looks like Roblox uploaded a better version of the “:]” head last week. This is the first thing relating to classic faces that’s happened in about six months. (still unreleased)

I also found… this…
img gif


The new :] face looks pretty identical to the classic version! I guess this is a good step! Hopefully they’ll start doing that to all the other faces. I also wonder if it’ll ever be possible to change the head shape of dynamic heads?


Changing head shapes is planned, but it’s unknown when this will release.

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My problem with that is that I know Roblox will butcher the look of the head shapes. They already have the classic style dynamic heads where the head sits high.

At this point, I’m just praying Roblox ditches this plan and brings back the now off-sale classic faces. Or includes the classic faces like a bundle inside the dynamic head version. Roblox really messed up with this one :joy:


i am SO glad they reworked this one!!! im hoping this means that they’re also reworking the other ones that they released, and like 1ojy said i also hope they fix the positioning of the dynamic heads and includes the classic face as part of the bundle.

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Well, it’s actually a pretty good idea, to be fair. However, most of the community (us) think the execution was poor and that we could make this update better ourselves (or maybe that’s just me, lol).

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