We need a new BrickColor shade of black that's lighter than "Really black" and darker than "Medium stone grey"

“Black” doesn’t cut it.


Black is actually closer to dark blue, which is it’s own problem…


We’ll be able to color parts whatever we like soon with Color3 brick colors in the works, but I still think the default palette needs more shades of black. I’m amazed we have 4 different shades of white that are practically indistinguishable from each other, but no variety for black:


the additional shades of white that came with the recent 64 color expansion pack were no help either.

For some reason Roblox likes to mix greys in with slight tints of blue

I’ve wondered for years now why this isn’t a thing. I imagine allowing Color3 brick colors should really have been a primary objective as far as furthering Roblox as a serious game engine.

A choice between 128 colors can be saved in 7 bits, while a choice between 256x256x256 colors can be saved in 24 bits (if this is implemented naively at least). They didn’t implement it before because it would cause that much extra data per part for networking, which they probably deemed wasn’t worth the added cost. They’re probably implementing it in a smarter way to save on data size, so it takes a bit of development effort.

Every feature request should be in a subcategory. This belongs in #feature-requests:client-features.

With the oncoming Color3 colors for parts, this will be less important, but there are other Instances that use BrickColor in their properties, so another shade of black would be amazing.

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The difference between the “Black” and “Really black” is a bit fustrating.
Most modern weapons are different shades of black, and having only two colors to work with is a bit offputting

I can mess with the reflection a bit to achieve different shades, but it makes the gun too glossy

versus an actual K1, with the shades of black not as different


Black looks fine - and in fact great - in a Lego-themed environment (BrickBattle maps for example) but do they look god awful when you’re working with grayscale colors. When I build in a monochromatic theme, Black sticks out like a thumb.