As a Roblox developer & user, it is currently too hard to see the chat when using a 1440p screen.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because this would improve my communication in-game.
The current Roblox chat, by default is too small. This is a very big issue on screens such as 1440p on desktop devices, or even laptops. To my understanding, the properties of the new text chat service allow users to customize the size of the font & the chat window TextChatService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. However, by default these are very small, and if the developer leaves this untouched, this causes the chat to look too small for such devices.
The current reason why this happens, is most likely because of the legacy chat getting converted to the new textchatservice
This is a very big issue because most developers don’t change the chat, and people with high resolution screens & eye problems, will have a lot of trouble looking in the chat. I have a lot of issues reading this chat, automatically causing me to change the chat settings in all of my games/experiences, making it more visible and accessible to everybody!
I would love seeing this as the default instead of a very small chat because it’s hard to read and very annoying to people with vision issues & a high screen resolution.
Some sort of accessibility settings for chat size would be amazing, similar to reduced motion & background transparency.
Being on the topic of accessibility settings, would be nice to see some “color blind mode” as well!
I wanted to mention, the current sizes for the chat:
Chat window, Chat Input Bar: Text size - 14
Channel Tabs: Text size - 18
Bubble Chat: Text size - 20
Changing the window and input bar to 22, would make this much more pleasant. Bubble chat could remain untouched because it’s already readable enough
Differences between 14 & 22
Full screen difference (in studio)
You can see how the current issue with chats going from legacy to textchat service makes the chat looks atrocious on 1440p