We need better security to prevent underaged users

i never told ban, i told investigate, in other words, user is innocent till proven otherwise. please re read my post

They never even said that your statement has anything to do with “bans” and just said it’s false positive, however, how do you expect them to investigate when it’s the internet, people could lie about their age, fake age verification, etc.
You can’t also judge how people have grammatical errors or how informal they type, however sometimes it may show how mature they’re inside a professional forum, however this is not a basis whether they’re kids or not.


I’m not really funny, but I’m pretty sure that I’m 15

I hate people like you that say “Rap me or I will raport you for racism” and stuff like that. Firstly, I’m not that good at English. Secondly, on what am I supposed to talk? Discord with its cringe 12-year-olds? Roblox’s new voice chat with kids showing they’re mama’s ID?

The new update fixed a bit the filter. No longer applicated (As much)

This is actually a good idea. People posting web instead of www are 99.99% underaged.

There exists COPPA, and if Roblox knows that you are 12 or below and won’t ban you, they will get in legal trouble.


I’m not saying people under 13 can’t exhibit these qualities, rather I’m saying that these aren’t evidence that someone is under 13.

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Sometimes although I notice private servers can sometimes glitch and give out Web.roblox.com as I experienced and my account is well over 13 years old.


Hello to everyone!

I have a point that has not been described in any reply so far.

There are many people who do not put their real date of birth in their account because…

  • they know that if you are 18+ or 13+ you have more possibilities and for example you don’t have a safe chat.
  • they don’t want to reveal any personal data.
  • They are too lazy to enter their date of birth and prefer to enter any data.

I entered a wrong date of birth when registering because I did not know Roblox at the time of registration and therefore did not have the confidence to share such personal information. I only knew Roblox a tiny bit through my friend @12Clockstudio, who also only said that it was a gaming platform that he liked very much and that I really needed it.

We are committed to the safety and privacy of our users. To ensure our users have an optimal experience on our platform, we rely upon the date of birth provided by the user at account signup to customize the restrictions on their account. Players and parents should keep the correct age listed on an account at all times for the safest and most age-appropriate experience.

Please note that misrepresenting user information is against the Roblox Community Rules. Due to regulatory requirements, users cannot increase their age on their Roblox account if they indicated they were under the age of 13 at signup. In addition, we are not able to adjust chat settings for users.

You can read more about our chat system and privacy settings in our Age, Chat Modes, Privacy Permissions, & Filtering help article.

This is what Roblox support responds to when you request a birthdate change. I can understand this very well and respect the message completely.

However, it is sad that I cannot change my date of birth on the main account until January 1, 2032, because the date of birth on the account is currently January 1, 2019.

Just to make sure, I am of course older than 13, just my main Roblox account doesn’t have my real date of birth.


I have come up with a solution which may work

Of course this doesn’t fix roblox side of underaged users as moderation is lacking here.

Developers could make our own website that display verified users so other users could look the user up?

Of course another way would be to report the user on Discord if they message you as Discord moderation is very sharp.

And who is chosen to verify the users then?

And can you please specify what verified should mean?
I would definitely want it to include more than just age verification.

I’ve seen some <13 kids come up some excuses like “i’m using an alt because I accidentally put my main account as under 13” if a member of your team says something like that, It could be a red flag.


Yesterday I found a user literally admitting they were under 13 in their devforum About Me section, as well as admitting they knew they were breaking rules (and even told people not to snitch on them) - Of course, I flagged a post by them for moderator attention explaining that the user admitted to being underage on their profile

This morning I wake up to the same “We agree there is an issue and we’re looking into it.” as always, except after checking…the user isn’t suspended and the user even gave a sarcastic remark in their devforum profile to replace their admittance.

Do devforum staff not have permission to check edit history on that stuff (assuming it was edited before the staff got to it)? Or do they just not care enough to enforce whats probably the most important rule (both legally and community-wise)? Or, worst of all, is outright black and white admittance just not enough to stop underage users anymore?

Relative link here, for a screenshot of what was there


I saw something similar a while back where someone explicitly stated they were underage. Censored out the name and avatar. Just to emphasize how common it is to see these things.


I saw this too, DMed DET and flagged some of their posts. I also got the “We agree there is an issue and are looking into it.” They are suspended now, probably because a ton of people flagged their posts. It’s painfully obvious that so many users are underage (web.roblox and general immaturity) but if something isn’t 100% “this user admitted to it and is definitely underage” then it seems like nothing happens at all.


What can roblox do about discord underage users? I mean you could do some research before you hire someone as a staff member.

I have to agree with you, and everyone else here. It is a problem, and it’s not just Roblox’s, look around it’s on all social media platform. The best way to combat it, is yourself! Check how they word their messages, posts, check their Roblox account, etc. Roblox won’t do anything further than they already have.

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I think we need more security however it’s a tricky one as there not much we can do.

I have noticed Discord have banned so many users so quickly and some people been banned for saying “I’m 9” (I’m Actually 19 this was an example) maybe roblox should harsh the security up in my opinion.

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The scary part is it could be anyone of us.

If the devforum opened to <13 it would solve it, but then again. you just got rid of something instead of solving it, which is never a great idea.

Not sure what you mean. Devforum has been 13+ since its inception.

I meant <13 sorry mistype xdss

While yes, but no. This is a crucial category and until the talent hub is released, it isn’t a viable option.

As a contractor, and contractee, it is on US to do age verifications, not the developer forums. They went from an application to automation, and roblox is notoriously known for awful automation. (Sorry to admit it.) It’s a place for anyone, regardless of age to learn.

Now, for anyone >13+ who is going to commit age fraud, let it be known it will ruin your reputation, and in many cases, can and will be illegal.

(sorry roblox staff for slight bashing but)

This would require corporate* roblox to admit there’s fault, and they RARELY do that anymore.

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Yes, roblox should harsh the security, however not to the point of banning everyone with the only proof being “Im 4”. I said 1 year ago on discord “Im 6” and I got banned… Discord sucks, I know.

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