Weapons? MAPS? HEROES!

[quote=“I, in the forums on ROBLOX,”]Want to make a new tileset for Heroes? Here’s how:

Step 1: Get this model: http://www.roblox.com/Room-Template-item?id=263576268

Step 2: Using the same proportions as that model, create a set of tiles. You must have at least:

  • A corner
  • A hallway
  • A 4-way
  • A T-junction
  • A dead end
    If the tileset does not have at least one of each of these, it will be rejected! Here are some other things you need to do:
  • Keep the same proportions as the original template. The walls must be that height and the room must be perfectly square at that exact size. It’s just the way things are.
  • Ensure the colored brick at the bottom stays named ‘RoomBasePlate’ and that no other parts in the tile are called ‘RoomBasePlate.’
  • Always have the doors in the EXACT CENTER of the wall they are meant to be for. My template already does this, so it should be easy to copy.
  • Do not let players off the map. Put walls where you have any holes, invisible or otherwise.
  • The entire tile must be anchored.
  • Try and stick to the aesthetic of the game. Tile themes that will be rejected are things like candyland, modern themes, etc. Try to stick to something dark, mysterious, or otherwise medieval. The furthest off the mark that I would accept would be something like Egyptian ruins.

Step 3: Package each tile into a model, publish that model making it uncopylocked, and send me a PM with a link to that model. I’ll tell you whether I accept or reject it (and why) and you can either rejoice that your tileset will be in Heroes or go back to work on making it accepted.

Thanks! Your contributions keep our game alive![/quote]

[quote=“I, also, in the forums on ROBLOX”]Want to make a weapon for Heroes? Here’s how:

Make a single CSG union modeling one of the following kinds of weapons:

  • Sword (one-handed)
  • Claymore (two-handed)
  • Axe (one-handed)
  • Battle axe (two-handed)
  • Spear
  • Halberd
  • Dagger
  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Shield (round or kite only – I can’t guarantee a tower shield will look good)
  • Mace
  • War hammer
  • Staff

Try and keep the theme medieval. Magic is obviously appropriate in some cases, but a plethora of ‘normal’ weapons is just as important as higher-tier materials.

Next, package your weapon(s) into a model and publish it to ROBLOX uncopylocked and send me a PM with a link to it. I will then tell you what I will use and what I won’t wand why and then you can rejoice that your weapons will be in Heroes! or go back and work on them.

Thanks for helping out and making our game better![/quote]

Basically if you like Heroes then I would totally use your weapon models/maps for it.
If anyone wants to do this for money, too, I would do that.

[quote] [quote=“I, in the forums on ROBLOX,”]Want to make a new tileset for Heroes? Here’s how:

Step 1: Get this model: http://www.roblox.com/Room-Template-item?id=263576268

Step 2: Using the same proportions as that model, create a set of tiles. You must have at least:

  • A corner
  • A hallway
  • A 4-way
  • A T-junction
  • A dead end
    If the tileset does not have at least one of each of these, it will be rejected! Here are some other things you need to do:
  • Keep the same proportions as the original template. The walls must be that height and the room must be perfectly square at that exact size. It’s just the way things are.
  • Ensure the colored brick at the bottom stays named ‘RoomBasePlate’ and that no other parts in the tile are called ‘RoomBasePlate.’
  • Always have the doors in the EXACT CENTER of the wall they are meant to be for. My template already does this, so it should be easy to copy.
  • Do not let players off the map. Put walls where you have any holes, invisible or otherwise.
  • The entire tile must be anchored.
  • Try and stick to the aesthetic of the game. Tile themes that will be rejected are things like candyland, modern themes, etc. Try to stick to something dark, mysterious, or otherwise medieval. The furthest off the mark that I would accept would be something like Egyptian ruins.

Step 3: Package each tile into a model, publish that model making it uncopylocked, and send me a PM with a link to that model. I’ll tell you whether I accept or reject it (and why) and you can either rejoice that your tileset will be in Heroes or go back to work on making it accepted.

Thanks! Your contributions keep our game alive! [/quote]

[quote=“I, also, in the forums on ROBLOX”]Want to make a weapon for Heroes? Here’s how:

Make a single CSG union modeling one of the following kinds of weapons:

  • Sword (one-handed)
  • Claymore (two-handed)
  • Axe (one-handed)
  • Battle axe (two-handed)
  • Spear
  • Halberd
  • Dagger
  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Shield (round or kite only – I can’t guarantee a tower shield will look good)
  • Mace
  • War hammer
  • Staff

Try and keep the theme medieval. Magic is obviously appropriate in some cases, but a plethora of ‘normal’ weapons is just as important as higher-tier materials.

Next, package your weapon(s) into a model and publish it to ROBLOX uncopylocked and send me a PM with a link to it. I will then tell you what I will use and what I won’t wand why and then you can rejoice that your weapons will be in Heroes! or go back and work on them.

Thanks for helping out and making our game better![/quote]

Basically if you like Heroes then I would totally use your weapon models/maps for it.
If anyone wants to do this for money, too, I would do that.[/quote]

Mind giving me a link to the Roblox forum post? I may have a friend who might be interested but isn’t in RBXDev.
Fun game btw

Now: are we allowed to make multiple versions of a tile? All signs point to yes but I like it written. The doors mechanic I don’t really understand: do all sides with walls require doors? How do I know what tiles “require” a door? What about debris in the middle of the tile, are we allowed to include that and/or obstacles in the middle? How about scripts: can we animate scenery? Is the fully-enclosed tile with 4 doors (the one in the model) a required piece? What about pieces for larger open areas (i.e. one wall, one wall inside corner, one wall outside corner, one wall to hallway)? What about door design, are we allowed to design our own doors? If so, what does our door need to have? Does it have to be a door in the sense that it obstructs view? Does it have to be a door in the sense that it must be opened? Can it just (visually) be a hole in the wall with some kind of thing alerting to the fact that it’s a door? How strict is the height restriction? I want to make a forest with trees lining the walls, but teeny tiny trees aren’t particularly appealing.


got any prefered themes for the room tiles?

Well - it’ll be hard to make weapons with just one CSG union. No mix of neon & materials? No control over ParticleEmitters? :uhhh:

-Aesthetics- vaporwave.

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Little off topic… But me and my friend literally played the game for six hours straight.

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[quote] Well - it’ll be hard to make weapons with just one CSG union. No mix of neon & materials? No control over ParticleEmitters? :uhhh:

-Aesthetics- vaporwave. [/quote]

don’t forget the scale of the weapons. the scale in-game seems kinda odd.

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[quote] Mind giving me a link to the Roblox forum post? I may have a friend who might be interested but isn’t in RBXDev.
Fun game btw [/quote]


[quote] Well - it’ll be hard to make weapons with just one CSG union. No mix of neon & materials? No control over ParticleEmitters? :uhhh:

-Aesthetics- vaporwave. [/quote]

Sorry, I needed to draw a restriction. You can still do particle emitters if you think you need to, but still just one union.

[quote] oooooyeah.

got any prefered themes for the room tiles? [/quote]

Not really. Something metal? I dunno. I kinda actually want the Egyptian ruins.

Multiple versions of tile type: yes.
Debris and obstacles: yes.
Scripts: yes, but hierarchy will not be preserved. Ultimately the tile will be enclosed in one model, and if the script does not live inside a part it will not be captured into the tile.
Tile design: I don’t have a solution for “large open areas” so stick with the normal 64x64 closed-in tile.
Door disambiguation: when I define corner/hallway/t-junction what I refer to is the door placement. A hallway, for instance, goes, counter clockwise, wall w/ door, wall w/o door, wall w/ door, wall w/o door. That kind of thing. So yes, please don’t put doors everywhere.
Height restriction: The height restriction is not SUPER strict, but be VERY CERTAIN that anything above the height that I have set is can-collide false so that reviving players can pass through it.
Door: The door MUST be a single part called ‘Door’ (which derp I should have put in the forum post). It should also, yes, look like a door.

So I assume that this renders themes like ‘dark forest’ useless?

So I assume that this renders themes like ‘dark forest’ useless?[/quote]

It could look like a gate, if you wanted it to.

Should doors be direct children of the tile/room? It’s like that in your template, though my current tiles/rooms have them in a model, so I can keep track of both top of door, outline around door, and the door union. (oh, and what about effects whose adornee does not go outside the boundaries of the tile/room? - got some OP stuff going on here, in the depths of… what is it even called? Let’s just call it World. ( :evil: ))

All left now is… possibly a 3rd dead end room.

[quote] Should doors be direct children of the tile/room? It’s like that in your template, though my current tiles/rooms have them in a model, so I can keep track of both top of door, outline around door, and the door union. (oh, and what about effects whose adornee does not go outside the boundaries of the tile/room? - got some OP stuff going on here, in the depths of… what is it even called? Let’s just call it World. ( :evil: ))

All left now is… possibly a 3rd dead end room. [/quote]

Not a problem. If it’s not directly above the room base plate, however, it will not be captured by my algorithm. So be careful.

Brick limit for the maps?

Keep it under 300/tile

I’d like to try the tile building, but I have a few questions:

Can we put ceilings over the rooms or must they be open?

Can we have more than one variant of each type of tile? EDIT: I see this was answered.

What do we get paid for this?

Before I continue, would something like this be accepted?