Weapons? MAPS? HEROES!

[quote] Before I continue, would something like this be accepted?


Yes, just make sure the door is one CSG union and we’re good.

[quote] I’d like to try the tile building, but I have a few questions:

Can we put ceilings over the rooms or must they be open?

Can we have more than one variant of each type of tile? EDIT: I see this was answered.

What do we get paid for this? [/quote]

The original post was just, “hey wanna build something fun for a fun game” but if you want to get paid I was thinking anywhere between 8-12k for those that really want payment.

Payment could also come in the form of an exclusive weapon in-game.

I hope we’re going deeper! Well, this should suffice.

[quote] I hope we’re going deeper! Well, this should suffice.


Those look awesome!

Another few questions: do we have to rotate the hallway, corner, and T-intersection pieces ourselves, or is that handled by your algorithm? How about making the walls thicker by a few studs, would that interfere with spawning? How about door size: does it have to be the exact same size as the one you made? Can we include environmental hazards like lava or spikes? Does the tile have to take up the entire baseplate, or can there be portions that do not have building underneath, like for hallways?

How exactly does your tile placing work, if it isn’t by grouping? I imagine that projecting every brick down onto a given baseplate to determine which one it belongs to would be insanely taxing. I ask because there are branches on the trees that really ought to stick out on the opposite side or the tree would look silly.

i’ve been working on a couple of weapon packs.
right now, i finished a somewhat basic two-handed weapon pack, which contains a claymore, a warhammer and a battleaxe.

and they’re all one part, and very hard to union.

i’ll make a theme based weapon packs too, like dwarven or elvish and maybe demonic.


Is this alright? If yes, how 2 send?

[quote] Done.

Is this alright? If yes, how 2 send? [/quote]

As stated in OP, simply group it into a model, upload it to the website, make it free to take, and PM Davidii.
On another note… are you sure the trees should go over the top of the walls? Pretty sure one of the restrictions is to not have anything go outside the boundaries of walls & base part.

[quote] Done.

Is this alright? If yes, how 2 send? [/quote]

As stated in OP, simply group it into a model, upload it to the website, make it free to take, and PM Davidii.
On another note… are you sure the trees should go over the top of the walls? Pretty sure one of the restrictions is to not have anything go outside the boundaries of walls & base part.[/quote]

He mentions that this is OK:

[quote] Done.

Is this alright? If yes, how 2 send? [/quote]

Gimme gimme

Is there anything else people who can’t necessarily build that well help you with? Just curious, because I can’t build whatsoever, I can’t even make a box, it becomes a rectangle.

Here’s a preview of the one I am working on:

I call it the “Walled Garden.” I chose to do this one because it ties into the 'verse: the world was overrun by monsters, so at some point the heroes are going to come across something that was built before the monsters came. I plan to have at least 20 tiles before I call it good.

You will probably notice that a few things are taller than the 14-stud walls: the arch on one of the dead-ends, the roof of the shack on a 3-way, and the trees on the straight. I followed your requirements and have made all bricks above 14 studs cancollide false. Additionally, the archway looks larger than it is with the use of mesh offsets, and is completely compatible with all of the other doors.

Before you talk about brick count on the pine trees, they’re pretty brick-efficient: the tallest tree on the tiles is only 54 bricks.

The fountain, which has a depressed center, has bricks to allow characters to walk out of it, but not in.

Any comments?

You said you wanted an Egyptian Ruin styled theme, and since ancient Egyptian walls usually have hieroglyphics on them, would textures like these be okay?

You’ll want to check how the decals look when they’re viewed at with the game’s camera angle: without Anisotropic Filtering, decals can look pretty terrible when they are viewed at angles that are not straight-on.

In your opinion, which door color fits best?

[quote] In your opinion, which door color fits best?


[/spoiler] [/quote]

I like the 2nd better because it’s a higher contrast and that makes it easier to see. Also, remember to decorate both sides of the door: players can see the backside and if it isn’t prominent enough it becomes invisible really quick, leading to frustration.

I have finished building the “Walled Garden” set:

Each tile type has 7 variations each for a total of 35. 8 categories of variations make every dungeon a unique experience.

The walled garden ties into the narrative in this way: Monsters overran the world, but its pretty impractical to remove all traces of life before their invasion. This walled garden, although infested with monsters, paints a clear picture of the decadence some members of society lived in before the attack.

EDIT: the pictures are slightly old: I have changed the color of the short dead grass to Brick yellow, the tall dead grass to Cool yellow, the color of the leaves on the pine trees to Dark green, and the material of the planters and raised sections to Slate, which is a better combination, in my opinion. Picture

There’s nothing special about these tiles. Short dead grass, tall dead grass, and paths.

These tiles have raised areas that plants used to grow in. It makes fighting a little tougher as the area to move around in is decreased.

This garden was well-equipped to deal with a food shortage, as it has numerous planters where fruit, vegetables, and tubers can be grown.

Although they were once well-kept, time has turned these small decorative pieces into big tall and strong trees. Somehow, one of the trees got cut, possibly by a monster or someone exploring the gardens before our heroes.

A curious and intoxicating substance is in these barrels held in their little storage racks. It appears that a few of the barrels are missing, perhaps they were taken away by someone?

For some reason the builders of this garden decided to break up the tiling by adding walls right in the middle. Fortunately for our heroes, it appears that a hole has been knocked into this surplus wall, allowing passage.

Whoever owned this garden must have enjoyed seeing water splash down each tier of these fountains. All the water has dried up, though, so no more of that.

What would a garden be without a home away from home? Or, among other things, a mausoleum, a rusty and fungus-infected, greenhouse, maintenance shack, or gazebo?

Please tell me what you think of these, because feedback is what makes it worth it to stay up until 3:00 working on this even when I have to get up at 7:00.

[quote] I have finished building the “Walled Garden” set:

Each tile type has 7 variations each for a total of 35. 8 categories of variations make every dungeon a unique experience.

The walled garden ties into the narrative in this way: Monsters overran the world, but its pretty impractical to remove all traces of life before their invasion. This walled garden, although infested with monsters, paints a clear picture of the decadence some members of society lived in before the attack.

EDIT: the pictures are slightly old: I have changed the color of the short dead grass to Brick yellow, the tall dead grass to Cool yellow, the color of the leaves on the pine trees to Dark green, and the material of the planters and raised sections to Slate, which is a better combination, in my opinion. Picture

There’s nothing special about these tiles. Short dead grass, tall dead grass, and paths.

These tiles have raised areas that plants used to grow in. It makes fighting a little tougher as the area to move around in is decreased.

This garden was well-equipped to deal with a food shortage, as it has numerous planters where fruit, vegetables, and tubers can be grown.

Although they were once well-kept, time has turned these small decorative pieces into big tall and strong trees. Somehow, one of the trees got cut, possibly by a monster or someone exploring the gardens before our heroes.

A curious and intoxicating substance is in these barrels held in their little storage racks. It appears that a few of the barrels are missing, perhaps they were taken away by someone?

For some reason the builders of this garden decided to break up the tiling by adding walls right in the middle. Fortunately for our heroes, it appears that a hole has been knocked into this surplus wall, allowing passage.

Whoever owned this garden must have enjoyed seeing water splash down each tier of these fountains. All the water has dried up, though, so no more of that.

What would a garden be without a home away from home? Or, among other things, a mausoleum, a rusty and fungus-infected, greenhouse, maintenance shack, or gazebo?

Please tell me what you think of these, because feedback is what makes it worth it to stay up until 3:00 working on this even when I have to get up at 7:00. [/quote]

Can I give you money for this one?
I want to give you money for this one.
like mother of all that is good

Can I give you money for this one?
I want to give you money for this one.
like mother of all that is good [/quote]

That is pretty funny because I was hoping for some as the night dragged on. I wasn’t holding out for any, because I started the set in the correct mindset, but there was that little bit that said, “it would really be the cherry on top.”

But also, I looove feedback: it gives me an idea of how I am doing and what you have in mind for the game, and I can incorporate constructive criticism into the next set. For projects, things you liked, didn’t like, thought could be improved, things you absolutely adored: those are my bread and butter.

Here is a place where you can walk around and check that I’ve made all the overheight bricks cancollide false, among other things: www.roblox.com/games/265768795/NWSpaceks-Place-Number-126

Also, is the TileBasePart supposed to be unanchored?

Can I give you money for this one?
I want to give you money for this one.
like mother of all that is good [/quote]

That is pretty funny because I was hoping for some as the night dragged on. I wasn’t holding out for any, because I started the set in the correct mindset, but there was that little bit that said, “it would really be the cherry on top.”

But also, I looove feedback: it gives me an idea of how I am doing and what you have in mind for the game, and I can incorporate constructive criticism into the next set. For projects, things you liked, didn’t like, thought could be improved, things you absolutely adored: those are my bread and butter.

Here is a place where you can walk around and check that I’ve made all the overheight bricks cancollide false, among other things: www.roblox.com/games/265768795/NWSpaceks-Place-Number-126

Also, is the TileBasePart supposed to be unanchored?[/quote]

RoomBasePlate is not supposed to be unanchored but don’t worry it’ll be fine. :stuck_out_tongue:
Please give to me