Weapons? MAPS? HEROES!

At the moment, I’m very interested in weapons. MeshParts accepted and maybe even recommended, if that’s something you’re into doing. I’m not expecting ultra-quality work here, everyone, because of the aerial view things will be distant and therefore not closely examined.

Hm… What kind of weaponry would you like to have? I can probably make some meshes, if I find the time.

It’s up in the OP

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Read, I’ll see what I can do :smiley:
I’ll post some images when I made something.

I thought of making the following things:
You or I choose one weapon category, which I’ll make a ‘common’, ‘uncommon’, ‘rare’ and ‘extraordinary’ version of that category.

This’d be a common one-handed sword I practiced on. Any opinions?

I currently have the shaft smooth, if you dislike it, tell me I’ll make a screenshot if it being flat. :slight_smile:

I like it.

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What category would you like to have most? I’d appreciate a payment/credits, but it’s completely optional if you don’t feel like it. :smiley:

The types of weapons I have the least of:

  • Axe
  • Battleaxe
  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Dagger
  • Halberd
  • Mace
  • Maul (warhammer)

I have plenty of swords and spears, but I wouldn’t mind super-extraordinary ones for crafting / rare boss drops.

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I could go with an Axe, Battleaxe, I could try a Maul (warhammer) and I can surely do these swords.
Any preference between those?

Make a couple axes before anything else, I suppose.

Need some ironic weapons? I have some on-hand:

Also, this was amusing:

Yeah, those are funny. Would love to try them out. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m staying away from weapons that I think have already been made, that way there isn’t any overlap in design, and it’s limiting. If I could see all the weapons already in the game, I could do some better designs.

Weapons currently done:

  • Repeating Crossbow
    • Weapon category: Crossbow
    • Suggested stats: Much higher fire rate than other crossbows, lower DPS.
  • Eastern Longbow
  • Weapon category: Bow
  • Suggested stats: High projectile velocity, increased projectile damage.
  • Glaive
  • Weapon category: Axe
  • Suggested stats: Higher fire rate than other axes, lower DPS.
  • Kunai
  • Weapon category: Dagger
  • Suggested stats: Lower DPS than other daggers. Alternatively, a projectile weapon.
  • FileMesh in a brick.
  • Pitchfork
  • Weapon category: Spear.
  • Suggested stats: Slower fire rate than other spears.
  • FileMesh in a brick.
  • Claw Dagger
  • Weapon category: Scythe.
  • Suggested stats: Slower fire rate than dagger. Slashing motion.
  • FileMesh in a brick.
  • Heroes’ Hammer
  • Weapon category: Maul.
  • Suggested stats: no suggested stats.
  • FileMesh in a brick.

I think this is going to be it. If there’s nothing to say about them, there’s nothing more to be made.

These look really cool!

Are you interested in the models? It’s been a day since I said I was done and there’s been no response.

Yes, I would like to purchase these models. I’ll hand pick the ones from an .rbxm that I want, and we can discuss pricing.

I don’t have access to my regular computer right now, but I have used roblox’s place feature to back up my work, so I can enable the place that the weapons are made in and you can visit. Here’s the link: http://roblox.com/games/265768795/game

I should be back in a few hours.

Did you see what you wanted in the place?

I will take them all. PM me and make me a first price.

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