WebhookProxy | Discord webhooks go brrrrrrr

I think my problem is that I still have apache2 on my server and it doesn’t work with nginx on the same server. A friend told me about docker but idk what that is. I have to learn about it first.

All I do is to put random commands in the server because there is noone explaining the stuff.

I’m waiting for the nginx success page to pop up when I put my server IP in the browser

I didn’t know that I have to do the basic setup before doing the correct setup.

pm2 start dist/index.js --name=webhook-proxy does not work. It says it cannot find script “/root/dist/index.js”

If I try to run pm2 start webhook-proxy it says "Cannot find module ‘/root/webhook-proxy’

Then you aren’t in the right folder. Please redo everything from the basic setup exactly, and if it doesn’t work then let me know. I do not support Apache2, so you’re on your own there. Best I can say is for you to skip the Nginx bit altogether and work out how to set up a reverse proxy in Apache2 instead.

local Proxy = require(script.Proxy)

local proxy = Proxy.new("925...", "MU...", "https://webhook.newstargeted.com")
proxy:Send({ content = "abc" }, false)
proxy:Queue({ content = "abc" })

Will it prioritize the queue, or will it just send it through the queue, if I add /queue always after the MU…?

Is it better to send Queue first and then continue if false
Like I put it below?

local Proxy = require(script.Proxy)

local proxy = Proxy.new("925...", "MU...", "https://webhook.newstargeted.com")
proxy:Queue({ content = "abc" }, false)
proxy:Send({ content = "abc" })

I have now tried looping the sending, to see if it will go into a queue.
But it does not.

Ended up with a rate limit instead.
Do I have to put /queue at the end of the webhook?

No. It should work fine. You’re hitting ratelimits because you’re also manually sending. The queue system automatically deals with this though.

My team uses Trello for planning and organization of our projects. But we use Discord for everything else, Guilded is not what it’s cracked up to be.


local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local link = "https://webhook.lewistehminerz.dev/api/webhooks/???????????????????/??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"
local TimeInUnix = os.time()
local Date = script.Parent
local dt = DateTime.now()
local stringToFormat = "%I:%M %p"
local result = os.date(stringToFormat, TimeInUnix)
local debounce = false
game.ReplicatedStorage.BugReport.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, report)
	if debounce then return end
	debounce = true
	local data = {
		["content"] = "** **",
		["embeds"] = {{
			["title"] = "Submitted a bug report saying",
			["description"] = '"' .. report .. '"',
			["type"] = "rich",
			["color"] = tonumber(0xffffff),
			["fields"] = {
					["name"] = "Username",
					["value"] = player.Name,
					["inline"] = true

					["name"] = "Display Name",
					["value"] = player.DisplayName,
					["inline"] = true
					["name"] = "Date of Response",
					["value"] = "This response was submitted at " .. dt:FormatLocalTime("LLLL", "en-us") .. ".",
					["inline"] = false

		--["content"] = player.Name .. " submitted a report saying... " .. report .. "! Thanks for pointing that out, " .. player.DisplayName .. "! We might even reach out to you!"
	data = http:JSONEncode(data)

	http:PostAsync(link, data)

	wait(10) --Cooldown time
	debounce = false

Why did it have Error 404 HTTP 403 (Forbidden)? Did I do something wrong in the script? Does it not handle embeds? I’m so confused, and I used the webhook link format that you requested. Did I need a ModuleScript? Is it broken? Bug report system. SOS!
(Don’t mind my horrible formatting).
Happens in Player and Studio regardless

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How long does it take for those in queue to be sent?

It sends as soon as possible. It may take time if your webhook is ratelimited, though.

Just an error code is not good enough to actually know what the problem is. Please send the response body as well. Use RequestAsync.

How would I use RequestAsync? I’m kind of still learning about webhooks. What response body?

Sorry for the late response-- we might have different time zones.

Also, here’s the button script if it’s useful at all

	local report = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text
	game.ReplicatedStorage.BugReport:FireServer(report, game.Players.LocalPlayer)
	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text = "Thank you for submitting your report! You can submit another in 10 seconds."
	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Frame.Visible = false

It works now! Thank you for this new sensational technique.

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I resetted my whole server and got everything running. It’s also showing as online in ‘pm2 list’. I tried to test it but no message in discord and no error code. Idk if I have to do more stuff that is not mentioned.
I hope I had to put the nginx site stuff in the config file of nginx. Otherwise idk what to do

This is a great replacement for hyra hooks. Thank you!

Hello @lewisakura

Im Using your system a lot for my group, but often webhook does not work and the website prompt this message:

Can you try to check what is happening? and try to prevent it from happening so often?

Thank you!

None of my webhooks are working. Is this an error at your end?

Hi all.

There was an issue with the queue system yesterday which I thought I made a post about, but turns out I didn’t, apologies! Your webhooks should be working fine now if it was using that system. This was due to an in-place operating system upgrade which ended up crashing RabbitMQ, and it took me a little while to realise.

Thank you!

Your webhooks should work fine if you’re not abusing the proxy and you’re not using completely new ones. That message comes up when the proxy is protecting itself from people who are trying to get it banned from Discord, which is a system I had to add a while ago since the first release of this got itself banned within a few days as people decided to be bad actors. There’s no resolution that you or I can do at present (not one that costs me quite a bit of money anyway).

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