As a developer, it’s currently impossible to localize text on the website for other languages. With the newly added feature of Localizing in Studio to allow for Spanish speakers & others to smoothly play your game, it only makes sense that we should be allowed to have Game Titles and Descriptions that are localized for other languages. This way, as developers, we can help target our games more to other languages via having our title localized, or description with details about how to play or hot fixes localized to help the players that don’t speak English know what’s going on. I’d also like to see a few other things to add along to this, but unsure how smoothly they could really be added.
- Localizing of Group Shouts/Group Descriptions
- Localizing Asset descriptions/titles
- Localizing Game Thumbnails/Game Icons
For these, the best course of action might just be allowing multiple boxes to place various Descriptions/Images into to be only displayed in certain countries.
Also, the addition of allowing Developers to hand pick which country an advertisement be displayed to would be extremely useful. This way a Developer can tailor make certain advertisements to be displayed in certain languages to attract various audiences.