Weekly Recap: February 24 - 28, 2025

Hi Everyone!

Is it me or is this year going by fast? Can’t believe we’re already through February!

Well without further ado, let’s dive into this week’s recap.

Keep in mind that information is kept at a high level within these recaps. For more information or to leave feedback, please comment on their official announcements linked below.

Thank you :v:

News & Alerts

Reports of a “Reset Password” Phishing Scam

  • We have been notified of a phishing scam impersonating Tipalti Support.

  • This fraudulent email directs users to a fake “Reset Password” page asking for specific information. Please read the post for more information.

Announcements & Updates

Analytics: Track your off platform user acquisition with share links

  • We launched Share Links!
  • This helps creators track and grow your audience from off-platform channels (e.g., social media, websites, etc).

Upcoming changes to scroll delta behavior

  • We’re releasing an overhaul of how the engine handles scroll and trackpad inputs. For the most part this is a strict improvement, enabling the trackpad behavior people expect and fixing some nasty bugs, but it has some small backwards compatibility considerations.

[UPDATE] Selling Developer Products On Your Experience Details Page

  • We added additional clarification around rev share, details on test mode, and more.

[UPDATE] 16:9 thumbnails on Home Recommendations now shown to new users

  • 16:9 tiles for Home Recommendations — which we initially launched to existing users — are now being rolled out to new mobile and tablet users.
  • This means a more consistent and visually engaging experience for all users, and a greater opportunity to capitalize on your current impressions with personalized thumbnails.


Creator Spotlight: Empyror on Sculpting Stylized Daggers, Masks, and More

  • Hear from digital artist @Empyror on how he went from designing 2D clothing to sculpting stylized hammers.

Release Notes

Deprecated Web Endpoints

Official List of Deprecated Web Endpoints


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Glad that updates to previous additions are listed below the new additions, it looks much cleaner to read this way. I honestly cant tell if this is intentional or a coincidence based on past recaps (maybe they were in order of when the announcement/update was posted?), but it should stay this way. Other than that, not much to say.

You could probably improve these by sectioning them as updates to previous announcements instead of putting [UPDATE] in front of every single update.


we need meshpart editor like in unreal for fortnite


I hope accessory adjustment will soon support the other accessory types


Good weekly recap! :smiley: I really appreciate it!