I recommend checking which script in game (console) is putting a strain on the game.
Alright, how am I able to do that?
Shift + F9 > Scripts
Then check which has a higher activity than the rest or one that is constantly running (disregard the scripts that have loops in them.)
After you identify it, please open that script in studio and show us.
These only show server scripts. If everyone can see the parts spawning, then it most likely is a server script. I think you can check client activity with the microprofiler, but idk how it works.
Do I do that while I’m in-game?
hurry bro i got work soon lol.
ps. If you have trouble looking for the script, server scripts only run when under workspace or serverscriptservice, so check there. Idk bout plugins though
Alright, thanks. Nothing popped up when I clicked F9 and Shift, but I’ll try again.
is there any malicious code hidden in the far right
I couldn’t find any strange codes, no.
I know the conclusion is probably one of the admins or someone with edit permissions, but not too sure. I saw you said it doesn’t happen in studio, so try searching for IsStudio in your scripts to see if any matches are made.
You don’t click shift+f9, it’s just f9
Do you happen to be on a mac? Figure out a way to get into the dev console.
You can also just type /console in chat
Try to close your all plugins.
If not works, look at hidden objects.
It is best to check the Developer Console for more information regarding the issue. Good suggestion is to remove any free models in the game as they may contain malicious hidden scripts. Make sure to check all the plugins because there was a recent situation where the plugin had a malicious script. Even if you think the creator is trusted, you need to double check the free model/plugin.
How do I check the dev console?
Press F9 or type /console in the in-game chat
With some inside-information, I found this:
while true do
for _,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
if (v:IsA("Accessory")) then
for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
if (v:IsA("Accessory")) then
v.Parent = workspace
This might be how they do it.
However, you can detect this with a server-script and a .ChildAdded event, then destroy it completely when it gets added.
local Workspace = game:GetService('Workspace')
local Debris = game:GetService('Debris')
if instance:IsA('Accountrment') then
Debris:AddItem(instance, 0)
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for your help, this helps for sure.
the parts spawned can be seen with studs and are all the default part size, a hat exploit would have all smooth parts and varying sizes.
Here’s what a hat would look like when running the script, and parenting it to workspace (for any other player as well): Screenshot by Lightshot
What are you on about?