So I was building a model when I noticed a weird red lighting effect on some reflective metal surfaces. The model I am making has a few red translucent team only doors.
The effect comes and goes as I move the camera around.
Here is why I think THEY are
the reason for this:
I tried changing the colours of the doors to green, and I noticed the weird effect became green too!
The weird thing is, when I changed the colours while the effect was happening, it didn’t change immediately, it only changed after the effect stopped and started again. This is very strange and is kind of freaking me out, especially due to the weird behaviour when I change the colours.
I have a few questions to ask to determine what could be causing this.
- What colors are these parts??
- What type of lightning in the game (This could be the reason why)?
- What are you lightning settings set at??
Thank you
Kind regards
The effect is happening on grey metal parts. I have determined that it is SOMEHOW caused by the red doors I have added, but it is mysterious for these reasons:
1: Directly shining a light through a red translucent part does not change the colour.
2: As I said, the colour of the weird effect changes when I change the colour of the red doors, but not immediately, but whenever the event stops and a new one starts.
I am using Future lighting mode.
Ive actually been noticing this sometimes when building it only happens in future lighting im pretty sure its a bug.
(The colors i see sometimes are on greyish parts and its a orange light)
The settings where i saw it happen were the defaults though i dont feel like checking cause its a old place i havent built in about a month i THINK that all i changed was the time of day to be night time.
As you can see in the bottom right corner it is set to ShadowMap and the metal columns are still reflecting red
I believe it’s cause by either one of the environmental factors in the lighting. Try setting them to 0?
Ok I will try that.
Also, I just realized my yellow and black stripe image got unmoderated lol, as you can see through one of those windows
I think it was because or something in the name that got moderated but it is fixed now, sorry if this is going off topic, i will now.
It removes most of the effect, but I dont think EnvironmentDiffuseScale affects it much, and I had to turn it up to 0.5 so that the walls of my building didn’t look ultra dark.
BTW this is inside a modern-ish military base I am making for my game. You can share your opinions on it here.