Weird shadow appearing when moving a light, how do i fix?

I have future lighting, and i added a point light to my scene, but when moving around the light, a wierd light appears (there is a screenshot), and this happens when enabling “Shadows”, how can i fix without changing any configuration of those that i mentioned? (future lighting, shadows enabled).

Oh and this happends with spot lights to btw

Those are the lights’ specular reflections. Try to remove those point lights and increase the range and brightness of the ceiling lights to fix that issue.

it still doesn’t work

what do you mean by weird shadows? you haven’t specified/shown exactly what you mean

I believe it’s this

There are issues with surface lights in future lighting, if you use them on your ceiling lights, try using point light + spot light instead

im not using surface lights, im using a point light, and i tried already using point light and spot light

Thanks for the report! To help us investigate this, please provide the following:

  • Placefile demonstrating the issue: Please include a placefile that clearly shows the problem you’re experiencing. This saves us valuable time and allows us to focus on finding a solution.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue: Even with the placefile, a clear description of how to make the issue happen is very helpful. Please be as specific as possible!
  • Screenshots or video (if applicable): If it would be helpful, include screenshots or a video recording of the issue occurring.

Thanks for your help! We appreciate you taking the time to report this.

I have future lighting, and i added a point light to my scene, but when moving around the light, a wierd light appears (there is a screenshot), and this happens when enabling “Shadows”, how can i fix without changing any configuration of those that i mentioned? (future lighting, shadows enabled).

Oh and this happends with spot lights to btw

Thanks for sharing that screenshot! To help us investigate this further, could you please provide a place file where we can consistently reproduce this shadow behavior? Having a place file allows our team to directly experience the problem and identify the root cause more effectively.

do i send you the file througt DM? here on roblox

We usually only need a minimalistic example of the issue. You could either create a new placefile with the common assets to demonstrate the issue or share your specific placefile via a DM (feel free to remove everything that doesn’t directly relates to the issue).

Ready, i sent it to you througt DM’s

and when u find the fix for the problem, u may share the fix repliying to this message

After investigating, it seems the issue is caused by a loss of floating-point precision at large coordinates. That light’s Z coordinate being close to -10000 can definitely cause problems. As you may know, floating-point numbers have limitations when they get too large, which can lead to various issues at larger scales, including camera shaking and physics problems. These issues typically become more noticeable around the 50000-100000 scale.

This is a known issue, and we’ve added it to our backlog for future engine improvements. While we don’t have any short-term plans to address it, we appreciate you bringing it to our attention.

In the meantime, you might be able to mitigate the issue by:

  • Scaling down your scene: If possible, try bringing your objects and lights closer to the origin (0,0,0).
  • Teleporting the player: If scaling isn’t feasible, consider teleporting the player to a new scene that’s closer to the origin (0,0,0). This can help avoid the floating-point precision issues that occur at larger coordinates.

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