Weird sharp pixelated shadows on Android


This bug has been around for quite a while, for some reasons, shadows may be pixelated on some parts or their edges.

I really don’t know why this happens, this bug can occur in any game, both on shadowmap and future lighting technologies.

System Information :

OS : Hyperos 2/Android 15
Specs : Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 - 8Gb RAM
Device : Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G

Roblox Version : 2.658.460

(Please note this also occurs on Redmi 9T)

(As we can see here, the left part has normal shadows but the right part doesn’t)

The game shown in these screenshots is nico's nextbots [2025] - Roblox

Expected behavior

The shadows shouldn’t be pixelated.


Looks like Roblox on mobile is trying to optimize your performance by applying wrong shadows artifacts ,if your device is medium-end

Why not deleting the cache?

That’s a bug, my device performs well and it has nothing to do with the cache or performance, I probably reinstalled Roblox multiple times since this bug has been around for years.

(This occurs both on my old and new phone)

What graphics level is this occurring on?

Any graphic level above 4 since shadows only appears if the graphics are set to 4+.

Interesting issue, can’t tell if this is a Bug or simply a Poorly made Roblox feature. I’m unable to re-create the issue though.

Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.