Yes, this was done in Cloud Edit. it randomly happend before my friend even joined.
EDIT: This also happens in Edit mode! Meaning it doesnt have anything to do with it being in Cloud.
Yes, this was done in Cloud Edit. it randomly happend before my friend even joined.
EDIT: This also happens in Edit mode! Meaning it doesnt have anything to do with it being in Cloud.
Happen to have a repro file of it?
Happen to have a repro file before unioning? All I am getting is corrupted child data.
I tried reverting the version of the place. But all i could get is the base part which is in version 8,
and then the completed version which is 9.
I think that’s all about what I can do.
To start off, I used 4 cylinders for making this union. The first cylinder I just pressed union on selection and scaled it to a greater size. I then copied it and put it on the other side of the part that’s supposed to be unioned.
I then selected both cylinders, copied them and rotated them so they would appear on the other sides as well.
I selected everything at once and pressed Union.
I didn’t touch it at all after that.