Welcoming Byfron to Roblox

Say goodbye to 36 bit devices, causing to (what you said) to downgrade.

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36 bit devices?

I heared only about 32 bit devices :thinking:

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Oops!, I may have said it wrong. :disappointed_relieved:

Hello EntyMmePlayrMmaeWork,

  1. Flag, yes; ban, not necessarily. If you have a clean record, then most likely not. All the people who got banned last week had a history of cheating we recorded over time. Thanks to this nice person, cheaters have been rather careless.
  2. We are currently A/B testing. If everything goes well, it should be a matter of weeks rather than months.
  3. I’m sorry I can’t give you a timeline on this.
  4. I’m an engineer, not a lawyer. I can’t comment on this.

What about Bloxstrap???
People are concerned that they will get banned.
What about fps locker???
People have a high chance of getting banned by false.
What about Studio Boostraper???
It’s trash to be honest though.

  1. Bloxstrap is not officially supported; however, it is not on the blacklist and most likely will never be. Bloxstrap does not interact with the client process memory in any way, shape, or form, and we consider it safe.

  2. FPS unlockers are a different issue. We recommend either using FastFlags or FPS unlockers that are digitally signed.

  3. We do not ban people lightly. We observe potentially malicious users over a certain time period; after that, several factors are taken into consideration. Badware detection is just one of at least two more criteria.

  4. Bootstrappers are, in general, fine, assuming they don’t try to access the client process.


Just going to add on to some stuff :happy1:

The FFlag is DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps, to use it, do the following:

  • Create a folder called ClientSettings where Roblox’s installation is held
  • Inside of the new folder, create and open a JSON file called ClientAppSettings.json
  • Put the following contents inside of that file and save:
    "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": FPS_LIMIT_YOU_WISH_TO_SET

There has been no confirmed links with bootstrappers/FFlag editors and exploiting bans, just some very salty Da Hood players inside of Bloxstrap’s Discord server:

About the Studio bootstrapper, I’m guessing you’re talking about MaximumADHD’s Mod manager for Studio? (GitHub - MaximumADHD/Roblox-Studio-Mod-Manager: An open-source custom bootstrapper for Roblox Studio that allows you to override files in Roblox Studio's directory, opt into development branches of Roblox, and experiment with Fast Flags.) Studio does not have Byfron tech inside of it, so it’s perfectly fine! @Bitdancer has also stated in the past that Studio won’t have Hyperion (because there is practically no use for it)


I can’t wait for people who’ve spent money on injectors find them useless (although it probably won’t be that easy; I just want justice for all the BedWars hackers)


You know what would be scary? A Roblox employee commenting on your exploiting video about how all your accounts are going to be deleted


Thank you for this useful info. Good to see that they look into it with more then just one factor.

Hopefully the windows version will be parched within a few months!


Hi bitdancer,

Our game perris, california has been a target of cheats. Since the update and implementation of detecting users are using an old version of roblox we have no problems.

Thank you for yalls hard work.


Hello Metro_Division,

Thank you for your kind words. I will pass the praise on to our team to ensure credit is given where credit is due.


@Bitdancer Bad news… The exploiting has resumed, I was hoping it was over darn it. :skull:


Give it some time. We have some really exciting announcements to make on this topic soon™.


Oh sweet, I’m excited to see what you guys have planned. It’s time exploiting comes to an end or at least becomes nearly difficult/impossible. Exploiting not only causes roblox’s stock to dip because of the media but also causes experiences to get ruined for the player experience which I’m sure you know.

What I’m really looking forward to is the creators of games having controls to block bad actors from the website side or even the scripting side.

I’ve noticed that you guys use Hardware ID Banning, a good idea would be a scripting module to were we can call that so that when we have a player banned we can ban the hardware ID as well.


But I’d like to say I really do appreciate the hard work you and the team have been putting in to prevent exploiting completely, if you ever need feedback I’m more then welcome to share some information or ideas!!

Thank you and good luck! :slight_smile:


hyped to see what it is about! hopefully maybe a server side anti-cheat?

or a patch to the windows version of roblox!


“patch to the windows version of roblox” if they will do this so players xbox not will play roblox, so i don’t think that good idea.


If you mean UWP, hyperion was already added in UWP ages ago, exploiters are just using the revert method + spoofing their version to continue exploiting.


We started testing Hyperion on UWP about two months ago. I wouldn’t call that ages ago. :slight_smile: