Welcoming Byfron to Roblox

Muy bien, que excelente noticia, se ve muy interesante esto.


I hope my comment doesn’t come across as unpleasant, but as I have stated before, it is not Roblox’s responsibility to be compatible with third-party tools. Instead, it is the third-party tool maker who has to ensure compatibility with Roblox. Having said that, we are more than happy to help said tool makers if they reach out to us.


Honestly, it’s a skill issue for Roblox for not being able to secure its own backend system and infrastructure. Exploiters have existed on the site since the creation of the platform and it’s ironic that Roblox is finally taking action.


Don’t even know what roblox devs are doing with their high salary, took them a while to prevent kids from doing basic DLL injections.

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This update is useless until Byfron is applied to the UWP client or the UWP client is disabled.

We’ve already heard the rant countless times, its being worked on

Where has this been mentioned? Instead of it being buried in a devforum post, something like that should be publicly written and announced - which it hasn’t, if I’m not mistaken.

Generally speaking, we are not announcing what we are working on, but rather making announcements when the feature in question is ready. I, and this is most likely what @2jammers is referring to, sometimes give hints on the forum so the community knows we are not oblivious to their needs and worries. Would you rather I not do it?


Never that, Bitdancer. I’ll read between the lines on your message and take that as a “we’re aware” - mea culpa on not knowing before.

Well then, let me assure you that we are very much aware of issues stemming from exploiters, not only on UWP but on all other platforms as well. We are actively working to address these issues and will make public announcements once we have something ready for release.


Which comes first? Inclusion or obstruction?

One makes support for GNU/Linux official for the first time ever. It’s slated to come ‘soon™’.

The other seeks to obstruct by seizing superpowers from fellow Rōbloxians – who could otherwise acquire the tools to do so. Byfron are ‘actively working to address’ the rupture of Rōblox’s perfect casteist system.


The good option:

Unofficial compatibility with GNU/Linux was restored on 2023-08.

Hyperion’s trampling over UWP, fortunately, came a month later.

there are still hackers… WHAT YOU GONNA DO BYFRON!!! :open_mouth:

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I’ll assume that this is satirical/jokefull in nature but since its a sentiment that many people hold, including in relation to anti-cheat systems outside the Roblox platform, I still think its worth commenting on this.

Anti-cheats will never be able to stomp all attempts at cheating just like Anti-Virus and Anti-Piracy measures haven’t completely and totally prevented malware from spreading or content being pirated. As anti-cheat developers are fine-tunning their systems to prevent the current cheats that are going around in the gaming sphere, there will always be people developing the next age of cheating software, always finding new ways to bypass the systems meant to stop them.

It’s like real world crimes. They’re illegal but people will always do them, and the professional criminals will always find a way to bypass the law and (attempt) to get away with their crimes. It’s inherently a cat and mouse chase that will never end so as long as there exists something to cheat or exploit.


I think we should be happy that they’re trying. It could be much worse.

Finally, thank you Roblox. I hope these cheaters get caught

That aged well.


Roblox, this is need to be patched!

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I already told them to fix it long time ago, they haven’t fixed it yet because byfron runs on usermode and not kernel.

how to get ratted in 5 minutes:

Microsoft Store and Android versions are apparently getting Byfron/Hyperion right now.