Welcoming Byfron to Roblox

Thank you, Roblox! I’m really excited to see what is coming in the next months and how it is going to work!

I’m talking about the other games that implemented byfron, like Fortnite. That game got so many anticheats, exploiters found a way to bypass them all.

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it’s not going to be the exact same anti-cheat lol


Since unlike most of games that Byfron’s worked on - Roblox is a universal game platform with almost infinite possibilities & mechanics, not just competitive shooting games but there are also some other types of game mechanics and even experimental showcases too.
One good thing of implementing the anticheat is - if Roblox makes it opt-out by default so the competitive games can enable the anticheat, while the more casual ones & possibly older games can just leave it disabled for less risk of their unique mechanics triggering false-positives.


You literally just mapped out how…

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One good example is Minecraft’s multiplayer platform - since Minecraft is mainly a sandbox game, the servers doesn’t really have a client anti-cheat by default, but some servers like BadLion can prefer to enforce a client anticheat through it’s own launcher.

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Roblox does not officially support Linux

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Nope, RoShaders do modify the files but it doesn’t change player gameplay. So it’s not considered to be an exploit.

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Shaders can modify gameplay. They shouldn’t be allowed in some games.


Im a bit late on this but will Roshade (Shaders for roblox) Be counted a a type of “cheat” even though it doesnt inject scripts (from what i know)

Edit: I didnt see the recent post about people answering this question woops


Turning your computer screen gamma up can also have the same effect


Changing the settings on your monitor doesn’t require a program to latch onto and manipulate the Roblox client.


Yes but im just saying it does basically the same thing so how can it be considered bannable?


Great, No more exploiters about “Alt account detection” will this mean for everyone like even youtubers when trying to use an alt or does it mean only if they hack beacuse of they can’t use an alt account a ton of youtubers won’t be able to make (More) videos

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Doesn’t mean Linux users don’t deserve to play, roblox works using translation layers and these might break. 2% of desktop computers run Linux and Roblox even uses Linux for their servers (90% of servers run Linux because it’s just plain better and more stable)


this is much needed and welcome news, all I am asking for are measures against plyers teleporting or changing their walkspeed, these 2 are incredibly easy for anyone with a script injector to do and they break so many experiences and ruin the fun

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If this were to be added exploits would literally patch it in 1 day. All they have to do is hide the instances which isn’t very hard to do.

Not to mention such adds security vulnerabilities.

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Why’d you change “Roblox” to “(the block game)”?

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Roblox already has such a system, they have had it for years. It’s just that exploits mostly bypass it (expect bad free exploits.)

Not to mention byfrons Hyperion which does program detection.

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It could be a great addon if you guys can make it work!

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