Welcoming Byfron to Roblox

no Thats not good idea coz sometimes the client could detect something that isn’t a execute could IP ban for no reason

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That’s great, but I hope that it will help.

what are you running that would cause a false positive

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I would hope they would make it the DEV’s choice to switch this on.
So if they need Anti-Cheat… let THEM switch it on - SIMPLE - Not Forced.

I too have an ALT Player… so that I can TEST the Game/Exp Out
And when the kids are available… they too enjoy testing…
… but if we using the same WiFi… seems that will be an issue ?


Could Roblox please tell us when the Anticheat starts being used? It would be great to know when it starts rolling out.

I never even tried to stop exploiters lol I have up and made all my games client sided and singleplayer.

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Idea: What if developers can set their game so that you need a verified phone to play? I know that not everybody has a phone and some play on their ipad, but pc only games like phantom forces can greatly benefit from this. Obviously Roblox does not accept those fake Google numbers, and script kiddies likely wont go out of their way to buy a new SIM just to cheat and get banned. I can see this being a great way to filter out exploiters without having to worry about IP banning or hardware banning.


I can see it being a system like if a connected account has been banned for exploiting once, it’ll flag the alts. So if you’re innocent and you use alts to smurf on skilled based games or to even just test games then you’ll be fine.


Here’s a quick question, who has a phone number?

This cuts away a majority of the player base, and before you say it, Roblox is a kid game always has been. On a side note, I haven’t verified my Roblox with a phone number due to the sites (lack of) security.

If you really want to keep people out of your game, make it paid access (Criminality used to be a great example, while yes you saw the occasional cheater, they were few and far between… until the game became F2P and now if you stay in a lobby for longer then and hour you’ll probably bump into a cheater)

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FPS Unlocker
River Tuner statistics Server

All of those applications use some sort of code manipulation, and RTSS straight up injects into games.
All of these have legitimate uses


I’m glad that Roblox is finally serious with these type of problems.

I hope that with this update developers will no longer have to worry about exploiters breaking their game(s). And i’m pretty sure that many developers have been waiting for this update too.

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This is a huge roblox W for buying a anti-cheat for their platform! This will/might clear the platform from cheaters!


They also have some illegitimate uses.

FPS Unlocker: Can be used to cheat in games where physics or camera manipulation is bound to the frame rate.



here’s a thought, what if your frames dropped? It’s a terrible idea to bind something to the number of frames rendered, they supply you with delta time for a reason, SO USE IT.
RunService | Roblox Creator Documentation

Reshade on the other hand, I can see your argument; but if I really wanted to cheat in Doors I could just turn up my screen’s brightness or turn on “Game mode” on the screen. This is straight up undetectable and while uglier then Reshade it achieves the same desired effect of being able to see.


ah yes this smells exactly like how EAC started and I checks notes just got killed by a cheater on a “secured server” 15 mins ago.

Bravo Roblox, you’re one-upping yourselves reinventing the wheel the same way others did even after their design didn’t work.

Sorry if I don’t have confidence in startup tech, the anti cheat companies started similar ways.

EAC and battleye I’m looking at you two on this one

Thats great! Cause Byfron is Anti-Tamper not Anti-Cheat. Guess Byfron fits in your column of trustees. :slight_smile:

Excuse me? Byfron is made by a huge ex-nsa employee, security researcher and a big contributor to linux distros such as WINE. (especially wine, he has contributed most of the stuff to it)

Anti-cheat should be required platform-wide not just pick and choose by developers. Exploiting is something against Roblox’s rules not just an annoyance for specific experience developers. So it should be moderated platform-wide like any other of their rules.

Hyperion, created by Byfron, is used by Apex Legends. Additionally, their founders have worked at previous Tripple A studios. So it’s not like these people don’t know what they’re doing.

It’s impossible to 100% tackle all cheaters since its a constant cat-and-mouse case. The only thing developers can do is patch exploits as quickly as possible and make it as difficult as possible for these hackers to succeed (and for long.)

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So we just must accept that our ALT account… used for testing by single Devs… be seen as a cheat attack ?

Besides that… I am sure I am not the only Dev that has kids (same house/same connection) that it could be seen as cheats… if I understand correctly in the discussion ?

If they can assure that won’t happen… then by all means… go ahead Roblox.
If not… then we deserve the right switch this on or off.

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Or Roblox could just improve the way of testing experiences within the studio and then attempt to use it as an excuse for making anti-cheat optional. Which would completely negate having to EVER use an alternative account to test features. Also, I don’t think it works like that, so nice try. It’s an anti-tampering system, not an anti-alt account system.

I’ve never seen really any cases of modern anti-cheats (including Hyperion (which is controlled by Byfron)) detecting connection issues as cheating.

No, you do not deserve the right to switch it off, just like you don’t have the right to avoid following the rules. Exploiting is against the Roblox Community Guidelines and should be treated and enforced as such. Developing on Roblox has some advantages and disadvantages, and this is one of them (either or depending on your perspective.)

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