Welcoming Byfron to Roblox

Lol… “Nice Try” - Pathetic Much ?
I’m just reading the discussion and it was mentioned & thought it a valid concern… not my words … but “Nice Try” is LAME

I certainly hope you are correct.

Again… ASSUMPTIONS ~ You ever heard what that leads to ?

Make less accusations - and you won’t get snarky reponses.

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Assumptions am I right?

Oh yeah, here’s the source: Cheating and Exploiting – Roblox Support

Yes yes, indeed, assumptions, eh?

Oh yeah, here’s the source: Roblox Community Standards – Roblox Support

Not to mention, if it weren’t against Roblox’s guidelines, why would they buy an entire corporation to combat the issue and not just… let the devs deal with it? If anything you’re the one coming up with assumptions in attempt to be negative about this obviously good situation/news.


Roblox engine devs preparing to fight exploiters


Seems I’m dealing with a 10 y/o here… so this will be my last response.

You ASSUME I have intentions to cheat !! Get It ?!!
Those are all valid arguments you have posted on Roblox Rules/Guidelines
And I hope Byfron can Nip Cheating in the Butt… bcoz it’s OBVIOUS that it is detrimental to Devs… but especially against other honest players.

Since you come in the middle of the posts of the Topic… I suggest you start from the beginning… and see who started saying it would be problematic for Devs that use an ALT account … when testing their game.

Now if your horse is not so high… please jump off & start from the beginning… and refrain from Judging people & making false accusations before looking at all the facts & posts.

In NO WAY do I suggest Anti-Cheat system is bad.
Rather that they should allow us to use an ALT account to help test our Games… not OTHER peoples games. :man_facepalming:
And if they can’t… then find some way inside Studio to do it just as well.

Have a nice weekend.


Point in question

And this… as when more than 1 in the same household plays (parent + kids) on the same WiFi

Another Valid Point of note

Another… valid and made uncertain (IMO)

YES… Now this is very understood & agreed… clear cheating… even if only done in 2’s or 3’s… never mind large numbers.

@ThatOneUnoriginal - Saved you the trouble of looking it up.

I’m sure I have a lot to learn on how people can/do cheat… and for that… I’m on board 100%… and naïve on the cheat abilities.

My concern is & has always been… TESTING my Game Experience.
I am not even at the Anti-Cheat scripting level… but rather working on my “apprenticeship” Scripting, Bugs and other non-functioning design issues/errors.

I might have a lot to learn - but please keep your cheat accusations to yourself.


Can you explain more about shaders and how they modify gameplay?

Glad to see Roblox getting a server-side anti-cheat. Some things I was pondering are how alt accounts detection would work and also if we will be allowed to make alt accs? Also, what will be the other features that are apart of the anti-cheat system?


This is really good that roblox is now focusing on their anti cheat and some features that will be part of ban system


I’m discussing exploiting as a whole (which is obviously what this is meant to be for.) In that case, it doesn’t matter what intentions you may or may not have. Using a 3rd party software to gain unfair advantages is exploiting, no matter which perspective you spin it in (key words “unfair advantages” so don’t try to bring up FPS unlocker or Roshaders.)

Also, while we’re on the topic of “assuming”, why not point out your assumptions as well? Based on three words, you’re assuming that this would mean that you’re no longer able to use alt accounts to test features in experiences.
This is just a small post announcing their acquisition of Byfron and what it means for the platform. Nothing more. No specifics on how it would work on what it specifically means with “alt accounts detection.” Any concerns right now are simply assumptions on how it may be implemented.

You can test features in studio :moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai:

Now if your horse is not so high… please jump off & start from the beginning… and refrain from fearmongering before realizing this is a simple announcement post of them acquiring Byfron.

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I know hey… you can use Studio … to see if stuff you build doesn’t fall apart… you can walk around and test your game… later anchor stuff you missed… I totally understand (Sarcasm)

I now understand you only know building… Kudos… but nothing about mechanics of PvP activity or inspections… which you can only get from PvP.

If you can inform me how Studio will allow that… I’ll let you off the hook.

Almost like this exists for such mechanics which would involve 2 or more users.

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Sometimes certain code blocks can be affected when running tests in Studio because your PC is both the server and client.

There’s a difference between supporting Linux on the platform compared to using Linux to maintain their servers. Most large corporations use Linux for their server maintenance. Meanwhile, most people do not use Linux at all. Roblox has come out numerous times saying they do not believe -with its current market share- it’s worth the time or resources to support Linux.

I’m sorry but sometimes it just ain’t worth it to support certain devices or operating systems. There’s a reason Windows reigns supreme with almost every game supporting it.


Thanks for pointing that out… seen it… but no… won’t help.
Working of 1 PC and the rest are cells or tablets
Unless I’m missing something… that won’t help… as per 1 PC

The only way I see moving forward… with current limitations…
… is to upload to Roblox… and testing most times in either Private or Friend mode.

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I’ve made a game mod(modify to make game more cooler) with a script executor(Synapse X). This mod has nothing to do with cheating or exploiting, but can I get ban-like problems if I execute the script regardless of the abuse? I was enjoying this mod but i’m scared to play with this mod with script executor. I think it’s okay to make a script executor legal as long as it’s not abusive(like modding or custom game and reshade game)

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Great, this can be one of the most important feature from Roblox. Since making anti-cheat for hackers wastes really a lot of time, no developers want to see people flying around, leveling up constantly in their game. Also, this can make the game more fair, prevent annoyance caused by hackers and bring a better gaming experimence for players.

While it is true that GNU/Linux is a small minority in player population, however when it comes to developers the story changes completely with 40% of developers using it either personal or professional.

So no, there is reason to develop for GNU/Linux, I am one of those people, so are you saying that I need to install Windows just because Roblox is gonna implement anticheat? No, I simply will stop playing/making the game.

Source: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022


That’s not a percentage of how many Roblox developers use Linux. I’m pretty sure you can’t even use Roblox Studio on Linux so the number would likely be way lower then the total amount.

This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure. You won’t be missed.

From a corporate perspective, there is no reason to implement a Linux version. Roblox has already said they don’t believe it’s worth the time or resources to implement official Linux support, and I don’t think your rambling about supposedly how many developers on the platform use Linux will change that. This is about how many players use Linux not how many Roblox Developers use it (which I still think is low as well.)


I wonder how they will deal with Roblox not wanting to need admin to install, or will they give that up for Byfron’s sake.

Is this anti cheat going to check when a 3rd party injects the Roblox client? If so, what will happen with players using FPS-Unlocker? This anti cheat is a great idea and will reduce a lot of exploiting and I’m glad I won’t have to worry about exploiters in my games.
But I’m really worried about the FPS-Unlocker because I don’t like playing games at a capped framerate.
Would be nice If Roblox didn’t have a FPS Cap to begin with.