Welds and WeldConstraints causing failure in server to client replication

I believe this issue was mentioned in a couple of posts and was said to be fixed but the issue still occurs.

Thie bug occurs when welding parts on the server to another part. I believe this issue happens usually when there are “Mass” quantities of parts causing failure to replicate the correct positions of parts. Here’s an image of the client-sided view:

Now here’s an image from the server-sided view:

File With The Bug:
ServerSide Weld Replication Bug.rbxl (64.9 KB)

Yesterday, I made a scripting post regarding this issue but got no feedback at all. After some research, I found out this was more or less a problem in the past.

I’m not exactly sure how to reproduce this bug but I believe it maybe when there are large numbers of base parts being welded OR when unions are present. If the file location is needed, please let me know. I will try my best to reproduce this bug.

If Roblox were to be able to address this issue, it would help my development experience as I would be able to display clean visuals to the clients with the use of Welds and WeldConstraints.

Here’s the post I made:

Other posts regarding this issue


Can confirm this is still happening:





To those who’ve came across this issue, I’ve found a solution. The solution is to use Motor6D's to create the welds for now. Until roblox fixes the issue Motor6D’s are the only instances that don’t create a visual offset.

local weldConstraint = Instance.new("Motor6D")
weldConstraint.Part0 = primPart
weldConstraint.Part1 =  modelchildren[i]
weldConstraint.C0 = primPart.CFrame:Inverse()
weldConstraint.C1 = modelchildren[i].CFrame:Inverse()
weldConstraint.Parent = primPart
weldConstraint.Name =  modelchildren[i].Name..":"..primPart.Name

EDIT: NEVER MIND; the solution above does not work, it seemed like it was working but it didn’t work in the actual game.

I’m not exactly sure when engine bugs get fixed but I have updated information regarding this issue.

My original thought was that because only the client saw the offset I thought everyone else (besides yourself) would see the proper offsets but that was not the case.

To every single client, the offset is visual which is really not visually appealing to the players. My current option is to manually try to update the offsets on the client just to make it visually appealing. Hopefully this bug get’s fixed soon. If you are having this issue your only solution is as of right now is to try to reposition the pieces on the client.

Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.

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I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?

Personally, I believe the bug has been resolved as similar tests has resulted in appropriate behaviour. Thanks for looking into this.

EDIT: I’m unsure if others still have this issue.

Perfect. We will consider this issue resolved then. If it starts up again please file a new bug and we will take a look.

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