Were Humanoid physics changed recently?

I have a shrinking ability for my game that makes players roughly 5 times smaller than normal. It was working great in the past, but now suddenly the player controls like ice when small. Were humanoid physics changed? How would I adjust this to work with the new system?



I would post a bug report rather than working around the change (if the latter is even possible) – this isn’t something you should have to work around. Make sure to include a repro file.

Maybe try tweaking the character’s density/elasticity

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I noticed at least a month ago that small creatures in my game have similar difficulty with accelerating.

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Can confirm the same thing happens to me, except my custom character is a duck so the sliding kinda suits it XD.

Going to try what @Tomarty suggested and I’ll let you know if it fixed the problem for me as well…

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Same problem here, my game is built in a much smaller scale… therefore players have issues walking around because of the sliding effect :confused:

Hmm, odd. I wonder if the same thing happens to larger characters as well?

Can confirm, was messing around lately with small characters and the friction was screwed up there too.


I know they tuned some of the forces recently.

If you try to change directions while walking into a wall as an R15 character, the torque isn’t strong enough to do so anymore, so you keep facing the wall.

You can also limbo now, for some reason.


Not sure if related, but larger humanoids also have been demonstrating some odd behavior. They tend to spin in circles when being directed places, I noticed it with this gear:

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The large quadrupeds in shard seekers used to moonwalk backwards while slowly turning turning around, and that no longer happens.
They now turn easily and are very responsive:

But now they also flop around when colliding with a simple wall:

and being forced to turn in first-person is nauseating, especially in VR:

Edit: Fixed dead gyazo links

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To elaborate on this more directly, Roblox added some FVariables that let them tune the amount of force being applied for certain states. They were added in version 314, so about 5 weeks ago now.

These are the specific FInts they are using right now:

FInt Value
DefaultBalanceD 50
DefaultBalanceP 2250
FreeFallBalanceP 5000
FreeFallOrientationP 100
GettingUpBalanceD 50
GettingUpBalanceP 2250
RunningBaseOrientationP 100

I’ve found some kind of work-around, it’s not perfect, but if you enabled CustomPhysicalProperties on all parts of the humanoid, and then set the density of all parts ridiculously high (like 100, the maximum), it stops the ice effects. You still run very fast, and jump way too high, but that can be adjusted.


If you change the “Massless” property of each MeshPart on R15 characters to false, the sliding effect will be gone.