We’re updating Heads!

idk about you guys but seeing faces blinking is creepy enough


Facial expressions your avatar will have are based on the head you have (judging by their current implementation being like this). So to change your expression you need to equip a head that has that expression


That is just a downgrade compared to the classic faces. They work on EVERY head shape meanwhile dynamic heads don’t. The positioning isn’t even correct either, such as stevie standard. What were they thinking?


The faces that have already been converted to Dynamic Heads went offsale, including classics like Chill, Freckles, Check It and that grin one i forgot the name of. They also took the (insanely popular) winning smile offsale.

They force you to either use the dynamic head or use nothing in this case.

They also forced Stevie Standard on older accounts, including that of Erik Cassel.


I’m more worried about the privacy going forward and the taxxing of performance, will this remain optional? Can this be disabled per experience? How can we ensure that it isn’t costy on performance?

I’d love a bit more than just “We’re slowly switching towards Dynamic Heads!”, as some of us seriously have some concerns.


the reply has more likes than the original post. speaks for itself. I agree with DarkPixlz as well. Updates should be improvements not forced mandates seeing how a youtuber named konekokitten uploaded a video explaining all the original faces went off sale right after this was released, this is just another way to try and FORCE the roblox community into doing something. good luck. You’ll see more and more people leaving the platform now im sure.


You can literally just strap away roblox’s permissions to your camera.


Don’t ask for miracles. They won’t happen.

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Sure for mobile devices, but laptops with selfie camera’s? Does Windows induct a privacy option for that specifically or will we have an option within Roblox itself???

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Yes of course! literally.


Then that’s at least cleared for me, shouldn’t overshadow the additional other potential issues though. I see this more as a negative approach rather than positive and would love to see some more input from Roblox


me when in a lying competition and my opponent is ROBLOX

it’s upsetting but no form of feedback apart from actual feedback on the mechanic will be taken, nobody in the community genuinely thinks this idea is worth anything and it’s just yet another update that feels incredibly shallow when other things can be worked on instead of this.


I’d highly suggest more effort being put into a response based on our criticisms and critiques.

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The fact that they’re just casually deleting replies, without saying a word really shows what kind off path roblox is taking right now. Great going product team.
So much for wanting feedback.


True, I dont even know what’s going on anymore.


nah look who sends the auto message…a nd it is auto unless ou wanna explain how 1 guy types 100+ 300 word messages in 2 minutes


I hope you realize there will probably not be a response for a least 1 day or 2 since the PR team has to come up with what they see as the best way to damage control


It’s not about motion-tracking, nobody cared for that, at least for privacy concerns, it’s about classic faces being more costy and worse. Please just read the whole thread without cherry picking.
Also yes it is forced, users are being forced to use dynamic heads by a force-change without notice.


I heavily dislike this update. Yes, some features are pretty nice, I do think that the facial poses and customizable eyebrow accessories are interesting, but what I don’t like is how this update is being forced upon the users. Classic faces that have been bought and used for over a decade at this point are being taken off-sale and replaced by these dynamic head recreations, which completely strips away an entire layer of customization forcing players to use only a specific head for a specific face. That, and the fact that these dynamic heads get forcibly equipped on random avatars. Twice in the last month has the “Stevie Standard” dynamic head appeared on my avatar, and I literally could not get rid of it until I equipped the classic “Smile” face (which is also off-sale now)


They removed the old faces off the catalog from being on sale. This is forcing. Can you please explain how this isn’t trying to be forced upon the community. Look at the likes alone. the reply for how much this update is bad vs how many likes the original post has. the MAJORITY of the community thinks its a terrible terrible idea. Many people are switching to other game platforms and engines because of this change and how little the feedback from the community seems to even matter. You want to stay on a platform that is trying to self-destruct by all means. Meanwhile, Most developers are learning other languages to program in, and other platforms before this ship finally crashes and everyone ends up with nothing but memories.