We’re updating Heads!

I’m so sick and tired of these updates getting pushed out and forced onto the user base, and forcing everyone to just get used to it and suck it up. Ask the community first before making a change this drastic.
Classic faces are such an important and valuable part of self expression within the community, The only reason why nearly everyone in this comment section is pissed is because classic faces are such a loved feature, which is now being ripped away in favor of a scuffed, unwanted, and untested feature. And for what, to please investors?
When rthro was getting pushed out and constantly shoved everywhere, it was at least on the side and nobody was forced to use it. It was simply there as another option for players to use for self expression. The difference here is that this is a forced change, replacing a well loved and widely used feature with something that not everyone will want to use or like.

This is taking away a form of self expression, not adding to it.

TLDR, Add it as an option, not a replacement. Dont force features onto users like this.


Look. I prefer dynamic faces, as they give my characters more life, but you guys are handling this terribly (which has been a theme of this year, especially with the 17+ change.) Removing classic heads is just a terrible idea.

Classic styled Dynamic Faces need to be improved. They aren’t 1-1 with the og faces, making them less viable, and are locked to an arbitrary head shape.

I have a plan that could make this update work:

Step 0: Bring the classic faces back on sale.
Step 1: Have the classic styled Dynamic Faces be “masks”. By that, I mean they should be separated from the head, and wrapped to the head shape.
Step 2: Have the faces be ALMOST 2D, kinda like the Lego video games and shows do (i think?).
Step 3: Then, make the faces more accurate to the original faces. Do this after 1 and 2, as it will allow you to build accurate faces with the updated face handling.
Step 4: Make the advertised expression the default expression (though, make that toggleable by devs, so that it doesn’t interfere with facial animation systems.
Step 5: Make the characters blink faster and less often.
Step 6: Adjust the prices of these Dynamic Faces to be more available (they are way too expensive right now!)


WOO HERE WE GO AGAIN MORE GARBAGE UPDATES! I assumed you were going to wait a little while after the trade hold fiasco and make some good updates before forcing more garbage onto us, but I guess not!

Here’s my feedback that you’re absolutely not going to read:

  1. Don’t force things onto people. You’ve been told this time and time and time again, people don’t like when they’re forced to use or do something. Keep the old avatars the way they were. Keep the old heads and faces on the catalog, with the option to use the new heads and faces if we want to. This should be a simple character toggle, not something that REPLACES the old things.
  2. What’s with the camera enabled business? Can we disable that? That’s absolutely an invasion of privacy lawsuit waiting to happen if not.
  3. Actually listen to your community for a change. You say you love to hear our feedback, but you still remain as silent as ever. You say you’re working to improve expression, but people say that you’re doing the opposite. Quit acting like you’ve got your fingers in your ears and actually TALK TO THE COMMUNITY FOR ONCE.

I would love to see some high-ranking Roblox employees talk about how they react to feedback, because in situations like these it feels like they don’t do that at all.


This is the most GARBAGE update I ever seen!
I want to talk a few questions:

  • Who originally got the idea for this?
  • Why they did it?
  • How this will affect the platform?
  • When the last 2 free faces will be removed?

Do not ruin or remove headless, it’s apart of many peoples outfits including mine and has even been incorporated into Roblox toys.

Id never be enabling my camera and if I do I got a black tape over it :slight_smile:


Tbh I don’t think they would have any intention on changing a head that’s named “headless”. Kind of defeats the purpose but that being said it could happen.


most people here are against the taking of classic faces off sale, not the actual feature


I wouldn’t have much of a problem with dynamic heads itself, but trying to “replace” classic heads/faces with them with essentially no feedback is absolutely delusional. No one even asked for dynamic heads in the first place, and trying to force the playerbase into using them by taking away the option to purchase classic faces that millions of people use regularly is just… vile. Isn’t the point of Roblox to be able to freely express yourself?


why is it a bad update ? the developers will not create the emotions its well be add automatic


bcz, dont u see the hate going on?
read the replies, u will see


ok, honestly i dont think there’s gonna be some mass exodus of devs due to this. let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we’ve been through this song and dance before

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well the only thing bad is they took the free faces offsale


What do you mean? They literally took off sale faces people would prefer more to wear than the dynamic head versions (not to mention cheaper)


the emotions with camera i think will be activated by settings roblox will not force you to use it, me too i dont like how roblox delete the classic faces. they can just set it like this without any changes


Ow man


well i am not a huge fan of dynamic heads, but roblox should never take away faces. it has been there since ~2006.


I feel like roblox making popular classic heads went offsale with starts giving free dynamic heads for people who own offsale faces but bring back classic faces

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I got that too. Yesterday i got that


you accept it ? me yes but idk if is it well delete the faces too

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I do not trust a corporation that sued a YouTuber for swearing on VC to keep my biometric data safe. I hope they rethink this.