probably something like what they did to :]
Yeah…it just looks weird at this point. But what can I expect?
this is literally the only face that looks kind of equal to the og. (still awful)
If that’s your vision, why remove options people love? Some people wish to express themselves using the classic faces, I’m positive people will use the new facial system if they like it enough, this enforcement was nothing but the push for something the community feels negitive about.
When we add an upgraded head that supports facial animation we will remove the equivalent classic face, so there is only one version of a face available for purchase. Taking a face off-sale does not affect faces that you already own.
Why not just bundle both the dynamic and decal face together when purchasing so that no matter what, players can decide which one they want to use?
Removing an entire option limits how much a user can express themselves, dynamic heads have already been available alongside classic faces as an option since release, so why change this?
What exactly does this mean for limited faces aswell? will they just be replaced with the dynamic variant without the option to use the classic version?
This is just incredibly tone deaf and disrespectful to the community as a whole.
EVERYONE, one of the removed faces can still be obtained using this: Man - Roblox. GET THE BUNDLE TO GET THE FACE. hurry before they remove it too!
I am at least glad that there was some sort of response, although this response does not make anything better. Ok, cool, people will get dynamic head versions of faces they already own. However, you are completely contradicting yourself in saying that your vision is to “empower avatars and allow players to express themselves.” How are you empowering avatar customization by removing options? Some of these new faces don’t even match the originals in any way, and the proportions are way off, basically ruining thousands of accessories by making them not fit correctly. This update is quite literally being forced upon the entire platform. Random accounts using default faces and heads just automatically get a dynamic head equipped on them, even long dormant accounts such as erik.cassel. I have never seen this platform try and force an update so strongly to the point of removing any potential options, besides maybe FilteringEnabled. Not even Rthro was forced like this, although they keep trying by basically cutting out anything related to R6 or 1.0 avatars in promotional material.
Another problem: why does every face blink? It looks super weird on a few faces.
Oh my god the :] looks completely dead inside. Far more than R6
Wow, and I thought this was just scuffed. This shouldn’t be out for all users. This should still be in beta.
Stare into my eyes samuel
But seriously, the eyes on R6 is a little um, lifeless? It’s like I just got robbed and found my entire house nuked just like the old faces.
I’m gonna play doomer here and say that I don’t think Roblox has any intention of fixing this. They’re going to let R6 die.
Also how we going to do commissions
These dinamic heads will destroy,
My tiktok filters and gfx creators
Yeah I was already expecting that. Just glad I copped the sinister so I don’t need to look at myself this way. I need to hide from myself… wait a minute-
I’m a GFX creator, and yes this will impact me, but it’s joever I suppose. No more of that
bruh people now posting memes here