Just like the title says, I’m interested in learning mathematics I’m able to use programmatically. I was looking at a thread earlier, (How do you learn to do mathy-algorithms on game engines? and I wanted some good resources that I can learn from, and improve my mathematical skills in programming. I heard Khan Academy is pretty good, but I’m also looking for some more that I can try out.
Look in #development-resources:community-resources and #development-resources:community-tutorials, there are some great articles there on understanding and working with CFrames.
I’m specifically looking for math in general. Sorry for the confusion.
javidx9 breaks down algorithms into easy to understand words. At the start of his videos, he usually gives a simple explanation on how a problem is solved and will guide you through the process of writing the actual code. His videos have personally gave me a better understanding on how a lot of vector math works.
Maths covers a lot of things - so I’ll narrow it down to what I’ve found to be useful knowledge for my random programming encounters.
Linear Algebra Quite a few of the questions that get posed here boil down to understanding the basics of Linear Algebra - dot products, cross products, matrics, understanding CFrames. In terms of game development, Linear Algebra is very relevant to many parts of Computer Science such as Machine Learning and Computer Graphics. Khan Academy’s Linear Algebra videos provide a nice introduction and Udatcity’s cs291 provides videos about the fundamentals of Computer Graphics.
Parts of Physics are also very useful tools - projectiles, momentum, collisions, etc. Books or videos on classical mechanics are widespread and shouldn’t be too difficult to find.
Perhaps the most important thing to study if you want to improve at algorithms are Algorithms and Data Structures themselves. Of course I’m going to recommend Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming. But also: Steven Halim’s Competitive Programming 3. Platforms online such as kattis and spoj are great ways to challenge yourself and improve.
If you want a more maths oriented programming challenge site, there’s always project euler. However, the difficulty ramps us really fast and you will definitely need Number Theory knowledge. Underwood Dudley’s Elementary Number Theory’s a good resource. Number Theory will then transition you nicely into Cryptography.