What are you working on currently? [2016]

Currently trying to convince myself that parts randomly having moved up/down 2 studs, and other parts magically aligning on a single plane, and yet others just missing completely, is because of my script instead of buggy roblox welds and stuff.

This is the first one of a serie of vehicles, I’m making them for prop use only ^^ !
Such fun.


Some inspiration from BlastB00M?

mmmh no just my current mood.
but indirectly it could be with tons of other artist I’ve recently watched.

@ScriptOn @zeuxcg @0xBAADF00D

I think this is a specific problem with Blender.
To fix it, select the Emit value of each material to 1.


EDIT: That or what 0x did.

It must be seen by everyone !
If this idea is accepted, Roblox will be fire !!!


Ah, I thought it was really odd. I’ve seen renders from our exports that obviously had that information and it would have been an incredible pain to re-create it from scratch.

Still working on those custom humanoid things, trying to make behavior as close as possible to normal humanoid instances. I recorded a video using the ROBLOX recorder (sorry for potato quality), this is running online with 64 NPCs all moving, animating and calculating raycasting stuff for collision at the same time. Players also use the custom humanoids. Kind of a worst case scenario type of demo:

Link in case you want to try it out:


Cool stuff.

I’ve also just become deaf in my right ear

Oh god, I didn’t have my audio turned up while testing / recording. I have no idea where that came from.
I replaced it with some soothing music using the YouTube video editor to compensate for the horrors I’ve caused.

'tis fine, I was kidding :wink:
But it was a tad startling lol

Back to productivity with my main project. Working on the lobby area.




Just added a “HalfTouch” mode to Stravant’s ResizeAlign. (https://www.roblox.com/Fixed-ResizeAlign-and-GapFill-item?id=264838065)
Now to actually make good pipes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: YES!


I’m working on a framework to make card games played, for now, by AIs. Eventually I’ll add in support for actual players but those are boring to script since they have that pre-programmed gray matter.

This is so satisfying, it could be posted on 9GAG.

Chicago (a Mafia game based in the 1950s)


Working on the lobby.

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I’ve seen an artwork on DeviantArt that is extremely close to the second picture with the green stairs !

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