What are you working on currently? [2016]

Still working on the body rig that I plan on implementing my procedural animations to. Just re-modeled the hand from a “mitt” shape to an actual hand today. Still tweaking everything here and there, as well as segmenting everything so it can articulate.


He’s got a nice booty.

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My two latest projects in one picture! (Because Roblox likes to prevent me using my ShareX Picture Bind)

I mostly play in Scriptbuilders, so I remade an old script executor of mine so I could easily run and edit scripts. I got a XML parser setup to parse old Roblox models (Because they’re in XML) and load them in without any use of InsertService… (Still salty about them breaking LoadAsset all those years ago, Plus it’s fun to load models while playing with friends in the Scriptbuilder x3)


So, as cool as fish are, no more loading all of them into the map at once. Now, we load fish only in chunks occupied by and surrounding players:


Fixing a bug in the animation system that causes a few frames of incorrect rotation in Polyguns when aiming.


Is it this bug?

I don’t think this is the same issue (but I’m not 100% sure)

Ah, darn. It’s good that something is getting fixed though. I’ve managed to work around that bug by creating an animation with flat roll and playing that + instantly stopping it after playing animations, so the one I linked isn’t exactly high priority for me.

If you create a new thread with an attached repro (ideally as few parts as possible and a script that automatically plays the correct animations in sequence with waits() between if needed) I can take a look (cc me on the thread).


I’ve been waiting so long for this

Will do. It’ll be a while until I get home though (maybe a couple of hours).



I should mention that we’re also working on interpolation improvements that will affect all ROBLOX games that use our characters or our physics simulation, and Polyguns is one of the games we use to test this internally. Thanks for building a great game that heavily relies on our technology, this creates a great incentive for us to improve it!



Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 11.06.09 AM.png


(@madattak, @Rolijok)
For the disinfectors at the new facility. Need to change the first person mode to use the camera for rotation instead of the mouse as the movement went nuts.



All I’ve done for this game so far.


Spent the day making new trees; I’m loving the results:

They’re random and generate at different levels of detail, so it can run hundreds:

And, of course, they’re animated:

Here’s the game: Shard Seekers - Roblox

edit: Replaced dead gyazo link with mp4


That’s hot.

For LOD do you think a low-resolution version of the leaves image would improve performance as well?

I think the engine does that optimization for far away objects. It would definitely improve load performance though, the images are up to 1mb :stuck_out_tongue: Loading a 1024x800 image for a cherry tree on the other side of the map is maybe a bit much

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I wanna see a forrest.