My like 4th go at this. Got it pretty optimized. 1700 bullets per second mid-air.
Script activity % and system specs please?
4% script activity i7 6700k.
If I tone it down to something you’d see in gameplay (let’s say 300 in a worse case scenario) it’s ~0.7% so I guess that’s pretty good no matter how you look at it.
Been working on optimizing Kinetic Code. A PC that used to get 12 FPS now gets 25-35 FPS. The next update will make it perform even better. Even with all this work optimizing I don’t regret even a little the fact that I spent so much time making it look good. It was something that defined the game publicly.
More progress!
I’m still not convinced that isn’t a garbage chute
I thought it reminded me of Zelda and then I saw the Sheikah slate. Awesome!
Looks like an official ROBLOX mesh! only suggestion is to make the yellow band on the left saber smooth, its got a weird thing going on right now.
okay then… still looks weird imo, but good job.
How’d you texture that thing to get those shadows and reflections? In blender?
I don’t what the picture is suppose to say.
For those who don’t know; texture baking the reflections of a hdri on the mesh