What are you working on currently? [2016]


Camos are cool but kinda takes away the details in the gun…

Camos are designed to be under the detailed portions.

I never knew what baking textures was but it is amazing. I was able to give this cherub a nice light&shadow plus glossy effect. It looks soo much better.


ugly things


real ugly things


Apart from the music I don’t see/hear anything ugly.

I can’t wait for apoc rewritten :smiley:

Yes, I could do that (it’s not hard) however the algorithm doesn’t have Z-rotation yet, meaning that once I get that working and the track has camber then making the outside parts one brick would no longer work.

By looking at the tank style, are you by any chance a dev for the group “First Encounter Assault Recon” :p?

(Btw, it’s looking great)

That looks magnificent!
How? :open_mouth:

cc @Weeve

I decided to give rigging and lighting a go and imported it all into photoshop.

This is what I got


can I have a link to this if its out?

this also reminds me of this

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Yes I do dev for that clan. And thanks :smile:

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400+ lines of code later and after much furrowing of the brow I present you with a refinery!


It also gets a bit temperamental when you feed it too much ore and it can’t handle it.


Here’s a closeup shot of the control panel:

List of info displayed:

  • Refine speed in seconds (yes it takes time to refine a piece of ore)
  • It’s efficiency (a percentage which get multiplied by the current ore’s value to get the new value for the ore)
  • The refineries queue size (it can only hold so much ore before it will let ore through without refining it)
  • % of refinery capacity being used (basically how much of the best possible output you are using. Anything over 100% is waste if the queue is full and will pass through without getting it’s cash value changed)
  • Current operating condition (normal or overload)
  • A bar meter showing how far an ore is in the refining process
  • A bar showing how full the queue is

Also, there is a warning sound when the refinery get’s overloaded and you can see from the above gif that it will also give you a warning message and have a flashing red light. And don’t worry about never being able to turn it off, it’s possible to upgrade this to have a 0 second refine time and then you can continue upgrades to get better efficiency percentages (and queue size though that doesn’t really matter at that point).


vault cuz yeah

It’s just too much to explain what it is.


pretty :octopus:

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Generated in 20 seconds (baseplate and character for scale).

EDIT: random video 'cause why not


The most tedious part of level editing…


Some more cool lighting.