-insert lightning sounds-
Alternative use...
[img]http://i.imgur.com/cJlBUVL.gif[/img]I assume that is 1 particle emitter for the lightning and 1 particle emitter for the smoke?
3 separate lightning particles for more tweaking ability, 1 particle for the “smoke”
random bunny flies through lightning
Right now, I needed to pause development on the main stuff for Ultimate Boxing to do boxes and box attachments (because just weapons is just lame).
In order from right to left:
- Basic Block (Free/Given at start)
- Extended Block (Limited amount of uses)
- Barrier (Blocks most things, limited amount of impacts)
- Flamethrower (Limited amount of uses, longer range, only works on wood, bypasses barrier)
- Dat Block (waddup)
My thoughts exactly.
I took the the roblox mesh and cut it into these pieces:
Right now the animation just makes the bangs point down and sway back and forth. Some day I want to make it take velocity, momentum, and constraints into account, but I think I’m too lazy to animate the ponytail part for now
I think I might reuse the bangs for a male hair style.
That’s a dust particle I use as dark magic effect;
Skin parts flying off from the player
Damn it Dark Samus how many times do I have to kill you?
math.huge() times
I’m working on this little art thing for my character. Dunno if I should continue it though, not sure if it’s any good
It’s not finished, though.
It’s looking cool so far, I think it could be even cooler if the character’s clothes and colors were different in each outfit that you’re using to make it a little more obvious/dramatic the difference between them. Also, maybe posing the character’s body slightly turned and having him do something with his arms would be cool.
Variable message sign!
The menu supplies the player with a word bank to construct their messages from, the player can create up to three messages that cycle on the board itself. Then the board writes the messages using the pixels on the screen, so it looks like the real thing!
Disaster Island’s first real map, aside from testing maps we made ages ago. It’s nameless right now, but it’s a futuristic replica of the hoover dam. Any good names appreciated!
There will be a town on an island in the river part below the dam, behind what you can see in the screenshots. When the dam breaks… well… rip.
Love it. You should try messing around a bit with lighting settings, would make it look so nice.
I can check the lighting o/
That dam interior has an odd vibe of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon’s dam… I like!
Tell me, is there by any chances of sharks with lasers beams shooting from eyes being a disaster?