What are you working on currently? [2016]

You could edit the overlay image to represent the way that it would be perceived if actually worn. (non-existent, like your nose)

Or you could use a full visor mask like you posted.

Or have the median still there but with high transparency so that it is easy to look through.

I’ll try that, thanks again for the feedback! :thumbsup:

eh, i’m not a huge meme fan


20 hours later, 20 hours to go.


Spent about 6 hours today redoing:

  1. Crosshair+animation
  2. Spread + animation for both stance changes + firing
  3. Recoil + animation and stats. I edited a LOT of stuff per gun as well. (@ end of this post)
  4. Sway
  5. Bobble


Here’s the result:

As mentioned in #3, I spent quite a lot of time reorganizing each weapon’s stat system. Not only do I have a ton more customization values for recoil, I also don’t get a massive headache each time I open the script.

Before/After Side-By-Side (the giant wall of text is just unoptimized animation data, don’t worry lol):

just a thought, but.
add about one frame delay between the camera shake and the gun shooting. in real life, it takes time for the recoil to travel through your body.

just about done:

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I am in love with the sound effects, amazing work!!!

I think they may be from Elite: Dangerous, but I could be wrong (I’ve only watched videos)

Thanks :smiley:
I’ve found that quite a few roblox games lack decent audio work, so that’s usually one of my focuses with projects.

I have no idea either, i just looked around the roblox library, for stuff like “crash” or “power down”
the ambient i had generated by a space ship ambient white noise… thingy. it has a habit of getting stuck in your head.


what is the objective of the game?

Well, you know the old arcade game asteroids?
yeah… that’s about it.

might add PVP at some point.

MeepCity | PLUS Building Exterior


Just posting some progress of my framework Fury;

And I wrote my own Mouse object that mimics ROBLOX’s mouse, except that I can do a few tiny extras that the ROBLOX mouse won’t do… Mainly just made this so my mouse could use array’s in the Mouse.TargetFilter.

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I am working on a small test project for TBS style gameplay.

Spooky halloween stuff o3o



Asteroids is just about done

just have to add garnishes and serve with red sauce


5Spooky7me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Needs a cannolie launcher.




pgood pgood



Hey that’s pretty good

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