What are you working on currently? [2016]

hue :^)

better video

Because I’m doing 40 perspective projections on the renderstep thread via the CPU.

its not quite friendly.

Another package has been converted to R15

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seriously though. who is in charge of that, and can you PLEASE fix the knees?
the elbows look good, but those knees…


New concept art mates.

This is ROBLOX related lol


what are you talking about ?..

OffTopic: Should have been more clear(I was making a joke about your crazy cool hornets)like a mockery to my own builds in a sense.Sorry if that came off super rude dude XC
Edit:went ahead and removed the comment because i’m dumb.

Indeed :frowning: Fully agreed

haha xD
that ok I was just confused because I had no idea what you were talking about !
That wasn’t rude.

spent 14 hours today in studio :smiley: After a few things for MPB2 I got working on the new KC rigs.

Re-rigging was inspired by 3 things:

  • I didn’t want a skeleton. It caused extra parts (I calculated it to be 47% extra parts and joints with the old rig!). This comes in especially handy during ragdolls and spawning because of the amount of parts and joints being created/changed/destroyed. This part really sucked because I had to export and re-import everything with lots of trial/error to make sure each armor piece came in with 0 rotation on any axis.

  • Palms (hold the entire hand together) and gun handles rotated around roblox’s awkward Motor system which meant C1 would be inversed, resulting in rotations before movement. Very ugly because it caused pivot-based movement: https://devforum.roblox.com/uploads/default/original/3X/1/c/1c5b58f4c501ebfb61fe3432f3e752ce7d855d12.gif

  • Proportions are simply not right. I highlighted a few of the areas above but the real issues were the head having almost no neck and the limbs being too stubby.

I wanted to make a strong emphasis on making the majority of the joints (all but 3) work without using roblox’s animations, my own animations, or CFraming them. This is so that I wouldn’t have to create CFrames in scripts for the potential 96 players at 60FPS with 12 crucial joints (1152 CFrames per frame!). I managed to get around this by working with roblox’s built-in CurrentAngle system for joints like Elbows, Knees, Shoulders, Etc… Got it rigged up pretty quickly (~2 hours with the hands included):


The hands took the most time… I was able to copy a lot of code from the first time I scripted the joints together but I had to do some serious editing:

Then I had to once-again rig the ragdoll versions. These turned out the best I’ve ever seen, I think. I knew what I was doing really well this time around:

After that I rigged everything up and created a special joint type so I could avoid this (click to play. It’s simply an animation of an arm coming out then rotating. The issue here is that it rotates about a pivot even though those weren’t the instructions I gave it):

So with the new rig I was able to correct this using custom joints :D. Here’s the same thing (an object coming out, then rotating), exept this time around there isn’t that award pivot rotating. It rotates about it’s own axis which is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FOR ANIMATIONS! I’ve been suffering from the pivot thing for too long and as a result all of the KC animations suck really bad. Can’t wait to see what I can make now.

Then came the most fun I’ve ever had. Spent 4 hours writing less than 30 lines of code. Instead of just copying my old IK code (it anchored the arms, CFramed them with IK, then repeated the next frame) I rewrote the whole thing to use the CurrentAngle that I mentioned earlier. The result is no CFrames, Anchored parts, lerps, or animations of any kind. It just updates the CurrentAngle each frame (which to my understanding is something that roblox’s internal code handles, so it’s more efficient).

You’ve probably noticed me complaining a lot throughout this thread by now. I don’t really have anyone to ask about this stuff so as a result I have to go back and either fix (or more frequently) completely rewrite everything. It costs a lot of time and it’s not very fun sometimes :confused:

Anyways tomorrow I’ll get the IK working with the legs and the animator again. Goodnight! (or morning? It’s 6:30 AM here :slight_smile: )

Edit: Oh an of course, the most important part! I benchmarked to see how long it took to run the IK. I’m delighted to be able to say that the new IK code is about 61% more efficient!

Old: New:


The efficiency of my IK vs your IK doesn’t seem to compare. Maybe one day I’ll make efficient IK. qq

This, I’ve done. feels better now

Haha. I did kinda explain how I did it.

The best part about CurrentAngle is that if the hand isn’t animated/moved relative to your body no IK will be solved.

This varies from my old solution of setting .CFrame on an anchored part every frame. Now if no changes have been made from the shoulder to the palm it won’t solve any IK which is an absolutely godsend for so many cases :smiley:

Edit: I’d also love to see your animator or however you’re doing things. I love learning about new/better ways to do something.

To be honest, my animator was never completed. Also, it sucks. The only thing that is actually works (and works well) is the actual animating system (that was never added to the plugin btw). It probably works similar to most key frame animation systems, so nothing to see there.

Btw, what kind of tweens do you have in your system? I’m trying to find good tween I probably should add to increase realism.



Needs more difference between the butters

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I finished my Corvette!


The tiniest bit of detail on those wheels would make it looke 10x better.


Its… beautiful :slight_smile:

Yea… When I started out making vehicles for Ultimate Driving I never incorporated that into the style since it seemed like a pain and I was a novice at the whole thing, I just haven’t gone back and atoned for those sins yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But rims are like, 2nd most important part (first being the body.) I’m not a car guy, but I hear a bunch of car things from my friends. Rims really make the car what it is. When they rate a car, they first notice the body. They then look at the rims. If the rims suck, they leave.