What are you working on currently? [2016]

Haha you noticed it, too.

And good, I’m glad to hear.

those proprotions tho

WARNING: not suitable for small children

WARNING: click at own risk. seriously


wut did i just see

I’m dying

I already bleached my eyes once this month… damnit Greg, now I gotta get more bleach.

Woooooorkin’ on it.

At the current time tab doesn’t do anything as I’m thinking about how I’m going to go incorporate edit mode with what this really is going to be used for and i’m also needing to rewrite part of the resize/rescale transformation so you can resize negatively. Oh and I also need to do optional surface dragging (make the “dragging” act like does in studio, drag the brick across the surface of an object) for the move tool, but this will be done later on.

But for now you can at least see I’ve made some progress on my rewrite…

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i said click at your own risk…
you know me (kinda) you should know it’s weird stuff.


heavy sigh

Figured out how to use roblox’s lack of material support on for textures to my advantage. This is one mesh in one part.


Been adding a few things. A lame mesh for a test rifle, and showcasing other properties of my projectile simulation and replication system. Instead of bouncing around like a moron, you can now scorpion-style “get over here” the enemy dummies. https://www.roblox.com/games/525829422/Project

Boy have i got good news for you.

apparently. serverside terrain generation is just too much to ask from roblox…

So much for the next survival x0x…

i’m only doing 10 tiles per heartbeat…

once you get above half a GB of RAM. this starts happening…

Why are you doing it during heartbeat, though?

well, i’m not… running the code on heartbeat. but more of…

if yInt % 10 == 1 then

and then after that is the generation code for that tile.
so every 10 tiles it’s doing that wait.

That runs on the heartbeat.
Why don’t you just use the regular wait() instead?
With the new scheduling stuff it might’ve changed, but doing stuff on the heartbeat was very… unhealthy…
although I’m not entirely sure how this leads to your terrain being like that… not a replication issue?

Well, i was wondering that. but here’s the thing.
Filtering enabled is off, simply because i haven’t been bothered to think “right, this should be ON, even though the only thing here runs out of serverscriptservice”

and i haven’t been able to fix it in studio because, it doesn’t happen in studio(play solo and server)

Although, using heartbeat, ungodly amounts of terrain, and not FE are the least of my crimes because…

[details=WARNING:CRINGE] i’m also using hopperbins.
EDIT: Huh. sooo… requireshandle is a thing…

You should open uo F5 and see if your network has trouble.
When the server suddenly alters a lot of terrain (even just :Clear()), they’ll load in those “slices” you see.
Maybe after some time, the replication is overloaded on your client and that thingy happens.
probably won’t happen in studio, because the network bandwidth (and latency) isn’t a problem

what’s interesting is that, when i first uploaded it, i was like “pfffft i can do 100 tiles per heartbeat easily in studio, it’ll be fine in server”

long story short, that problem showed up instantly.
then, i set it to 10 tiles, and that showed up after 10 minutes or so.
now it’s at 10 tiles, but it’s waiting 3 times as long (with a normal wait too) and it seems to have gone away.

go ahead and try it here
(also, if you have ANY problems with it, please let me know)

EDIT: how do i open up F5? pressing F5 does nothing.


If you just give the client the random seeds the server is using it should be able to generate the terrain for itself, which will probably be much faster (depending on their hardware) and more reliable.


If i was going to make a 1 player game i’d do that, when i was writing my infinite city generator i had run into problems with it overlapping, even with a global table of tile coordinates. (which, in hindsight, if i had done it with FE it would have been fine)

More of an inside look of the MeepCity PLUS Building interior! :smiley: