What are you working on currently? [2016]

Well, maybe, but they are very limited :smiley:

All you did was just moving whole arm :smiley:
What I meant is to move only the forearm without whole arm :smiley:
(take the hand and near as the forearm too :stuck_out_tongue: )

They are limited, but they are still ball and socket joints. Those limitations only apply to humans as well – character rigs can rotate their joints free from any constraints, and realism is left up to the animator who can optionally ensure that their animation does not push limbs past realistic limits. For the purposes of character animation, you will find no better alternative.

Not sure what you’re going on about. I’m referring to the physical joint connections(bevels?), not the way they rotate.

Not a huge fan of the current state of R15 packages. I think they could benefit from using smoothed over sphere connections instead of, well, whatever this is:

That very well could just be personal opinion, but in my eyes it’s very similar to the old blocky R15 back before they switched to cylindrical connections(you can thank me later).

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Maybe I missunderstood something :grinning:

Anyways, what I was talking about is that human body can’t rotate the forearm without rotating the whole arm much. So hingy joints would be the most efficient way to simulate this :slight_smile:
And I’m talking about those “mid-joints” only on both leg and arm :slight_smile:

Even then, they could make a stretched sphere for elbow/knee connections that would be somewhat seamless. Spheres ensure smooth connections for rotation on any axis, but I can see where you’re coming from. Regardless of rotation though, I still think the current joint connections look visually unappealing.

Cylinder joint vs sphere joint:

Leitris is referring to the shape of the joint – not the movement capabilities.

I think the new joints are the bee's knees.


Looks amazing but personally the shoulders could be broader. The arms feel really tight to the body.


Broadened the shoulders a bit. The reason the shoulders were so tight before is because I had modeled the body in a T-pose, not taking arm-from-body distance into account. Looks a bit better now:




Take over package converting already


Pretty sure I heard somewhere that package conversion is an ongoing project being done by either accelerators or interns(can’t remember specifically). Anyways, if they already have a lot of work done, we might as well just wait for UGC. I know how much of a bummer it can be to have to go back and make changes to everything that has already been done. Once UGC is here I wouldn’t mind submitting some of my conversions.

I wish i could go so badly. Though why would they let interns do that? Almost everyone here is a developer who has little to no experience with modeling.

I’ve been playing around with the Loudness Property.

Edit: Zoom out


There are no words for this


13 hours building spree

Spent around another 13 hours on making some more models. There’s now a total of 40 models now.

List of models (a few are not listed):

  • Air Unit
  • Bag
  • Trash Bin
  • Cat Bowl
  • Chalk Pack
  • Desk Lamp
  • Eraser
  • Futon
  • Gummy Bear
  • Key Ring
  • Kotatsu
  • Mobile Phone
  • Niku Bento
  • Plastic Bottle
  • Rice Cooker
  • Table Top Stove
  • Television
  • VCR
  • Wallet
  • Chocolate
  • Microwave
  • Small Fridge
  • Wood Stool
  • Carpet
  • Spring Door
  • Corner Table
  • Ceiling Light
  • Soap Holder
  • Vinyl
  • Notebook
  • Slippers
  • Cooking Pot
  • Garden Pot
  • Kettle
  • Calendar
  • Soda Pop Bottle
  • Tea Cup
  • Popsicle

Yet again, if you’d like me to post one of the models up close, just ask.


I saw you make a pot on a stream the other day.

You CSG’d two cylinders out of pot. The triangle count D: These things look really cool but perhaps optimizing them in another studio would make them more viable for large-scale use?

It would, but I don’t have the know-how as of right now.

Vordon finished converting the ACR to MeshParts. Now the entire ‘camo’ portion of each gun is just one mesh. This allows for some much cooler looking camos!

<img src="//devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/3X/2/2/22b84f4863401e312910748017bb21817ddd544c.jpg" width=“690” height="482>

Also Wuttah3ll has been working on the Oshkosh Humvee. About 60% done. Most of the remainder is scaling/resizing certain portions for KC characters:

Atrazine is working on halloween-theme-ing the map and I’m working on putting the finishing touches on the new character model before I make it final and base all the new animations off of it!


If your images span the height of a normal size monitor, put them in a spoiler please.

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Does optimisation really make that much of a difference?

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