What are you working on currently? [2016]

In ROBLOX, yes :stuck_out_tongue:

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The polygons on that vehicle are screaming for optimization

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Yes, and better shading!

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6k triangles total, or about one detailed weapon, or about a few character models.

I’ll ask him to look over it before he sends it to me.

Got a preview video up for Ultimate Boxing. Beta testing is going on now.


Ultimate Boxing makes me think of a actual boxing sport (the one with fists.) Other than the misleading name, nice game!

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Unfortnatly, I don’t have a better name for it, and… well, it is just too late to fix everything.

Wasn’t it called Bawxing in the past? Or am i mistaking this game with something else?

Another person has a game named Bawxing. I haven’t had much luck finding it recently, not to mention that game is actually broken.

“Super Box Jousting”

The preview only shows the “Free for all” game mode. When more game modes are added (racing if I can get it to work as an example), that name won’t work.

I can tell just by looking at it, that it’s FAR more than 6,000 triangles. Who gave you that figure?

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blender. Forgot to mention that’s just the body. The wheels aren’t included (each of the wheels are about 300, probably going to decrease those soon)

Keep the name. It’s ultimate. It’s about using boxes (box-ing).

I like the name. It’s a good joke for a funny game.

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screenshot of blender’s information pls + any modifiers you have on :slight_smile:

#Finally getting around to the color and material ui for BlendBlox:

(first time I made a UI element that scales perfectly on all non-4k or mobile monitors)


This makes me think that someone should make a Punch-Out!! game on ROBLOX, especially since I just finished rewatching the Punch-Out!! Wii speedrun from AGDQ 2015…

I’m having way too much fun with this. I was doing this last year when Textures first were enabled on Unions but now that vordon converted the whole thing to meshparts and it’s seamless I can’t stop feeding my addiction. Some of them actually turned out kinda pretty

(Click to zoom in, they’re uploaded in pairs of 3 and the detail on the preview isn’t very good)

Warning, there’s a LOT of images…

Click to the individual up close shots



graph paper camo

super s stussy or riot

Just edited the post with 3 more. If you have a have a link to a repeating texture image I’ll try it out for you. (that goes for anyone)

I try not to do anything with images because although some of these may look good on the ACR, not all guns (the SPAS-12, for instance) will have enough room to show the subject of the image properly.