What are you working on currently? [2016]

missed opportunity: “AUDIO, VIDEO, DISCO.”

Oops, well looks like I’m not really tuned in this evening.

Little bit of a copy of the menu CoreGui for Ultimate Boxing.


Experimenting with meshes


Needs more stars.

what a gorgeous day it is, in the city of Townsville!

guess who just figured out how to make bezier curves c:


Learning some javascript, making some fractals :stuck_out_tongue:


Scripted a rather hacky window today (lets you view another area in the game):


How’s that fair performance-wise? Any issues when viewing at weird angles or detailed objects in the room?

It’s well optimized and done efficiently so no performance drops of any kind. Also when I first got it working parts would overlap the sides of the window when the camera was at weird angles (which I presume is what you mean) however I solved that by taking the 2D positions of each corner and getting the gradient between them for each side (top, bottom, left, right) and then for each one working out where the part is along it and using y-y1=m(x-x1) to get the 2D x/y values across that side that I should be checking the part is within (rather than just checking it’s within the corners), so that’s not an issue anymore:

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Looks neat. Are you using actual parts or are you rendering the scene onto a surfacegui?

All actual parts, I considered using a SurfaceGui but since there are no performance drops with anything I’ve tested I haven’t had a reason to.

having lots of fun with playback loudness

If you’d like you can look at the “The Bezier” part of my Bezier plug in for some ideas, I have it up on Get Hub


thanks man. most the stuff in there is above me (like metatables) though…

i switched to a cubic bezier. and got a better result.

i would make it a gif… but i couldn’t make it live update, it lagged me too much (yaaay inefficient code)


0.o neat

Are you deleting and spawning parts or just resizing and moving them when you live update?

deleting and making new ones.
but i’m not making this for anyone other than myself, so… yeah…

but hey, i was able to make this after placing only a few nodes.


You should definitely try to just change their positions during live positioning haha. It’d make for a much better product, even if it is just for yourself :sunglasses:

O, it works like mine. :0

But mine wasn’t optimized, so good job.