What are you working on currently? [2016]

do something nice… for myself? what is this nonsense?

well, there’s actually a tiny problem…
you see. the number of track segments isn’t fixed, it depends how far apart the two nodes are, so i’d have to find a way to add or cull the amount of nodes

Order them in a table?

I just figured it out. Thanks :smiley:




Can you increase the update rate? :smiley:

Well the individual points update on frame.

The track updates when you stop moving it

I wonder why I have never seen anyone implement automatic event (holiday) decorations. Wasn’t that hard, and not to mention I don’t have to worry about it later.

Not to mention… I can plan new content for events MONTHS in advance.

because leap seconds are a thing, and they will mess everything up. meaning every few years i have to change my code slightly, which is a MASSIVE inconvenience…

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I am looking for accuracy of +/- 1 hour, not +/- 1 second. Not to mention we have only had 26 leap seconds.

well sure, now it’s only 26.
what about in 5 years? 20? 500?
who knows how long ROBLOX will be around. so any code relating to time MUST be safe from that.

If 26 leap seconds have happened since 1970, that means about 1 leap second happens every 2 years. So in 2470, that would be about… 4 minutes off? I am pretty doubtful that my game will be popular after THAT long, and that is still accurate enough for my needs.

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well sure. 4 minutes in 500 years…

but what about 3000 years, and all of us are long dead. but the games are still popular. they’ll be like “hey… these event lights are off by 25 minutes! OMG THIS SUCKS, DISLIKE!”
ᶦ’ᵐ ᵏᶦᵈᵈᶦᶰᵍ, ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ

I love my new track maker <3

now to actually design a layout…

EDIT: oh deer, i seem to be at a moral crossroads…

dilemma [img]//devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/3X/0/0/0086fc1981f707fd10c6d78b107135fbd9b523ac.jpg[/img]

Replace the top 5 with people you don’t like/noobs.


Did you need something? ;3


My nickname is actually ‘The Deer’

oh man, where do i start.
a stable job, some friends, better hobbies. more reasons to leave the house. a decent education, socks, working headphones. the list goes on.

If you want to make the turns in your track less noticeable, turn your ties more gradually than the actual track, it will add more creases, which will offset the crease from landing at the same creasing point as the track foundation. By making everything have different levels of detail on the turns, I think you can get it to look much nicer, with less noticeable edges

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well actually, i was just thinking about removing the ties decal.
it… doesn’t look that good in certain situations because it’s just a free decal…

Nameless mystery game based off of Stranger Things and Gravity Falls, making in any spare time I have.


Those trees are very nice! :slight_smile:

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The build is actually partially inspired by your build style in the Halloween 2016 game :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh cool!

we don’t have any pine trees in our game :stuck_out_tongue:

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