What if you used faded colors for the stats depending on how they effect the gun. For example, your silencer has -14 Accuracy, 1 Recoil, and - 5 Damage.
-14 Accuracy sounds like a decent amount so you could show that in pale red
1 Recoil doesn’t seem like too much so maybe you could display it in yellow to indicate a minimal change
5 damage also appears to be a decent amount so you could also display that in pale red
Here is an example of what you might have for a compensator or something like that, I’ve put my reasoning in brackets and I just randomly made up numbers for this example:
2 Accuracy - pale yellow (not too much accuracy difference)
7 Recoil - pale green (it’s a nice amount of recoil to cut out)
+0 Damage - white (it doesn’t change so just leave it white)
You could either color the words for the stats or also include the icon for the stat. If you do use colors you could also consider using another pale color for the attachment icons to balance things out. I’m not sure how much this would change in the feel but it’s just an idea
I had colors originally and removed them because they ruined the white only aesthetic. As soon as I added in color it was no longer this cool modern look.
What if you made the stat text pulse by changing the text size whenever the stats change, additionally you could try and have it count up or down when changing to different stats that way people’s eyes are draw to the fact that the stats changed.
That don’t feel like a teaser.
Some buttons? Could be anything
Yellow and black parts. Again could be anything.
An alltime points thing in a lobby? Again could be anything.
Surely a teaser tells them some basic premise of the game. Unless i missed something and button pressing IS the point of the game.
They are a teaser. One image (buttons) control the game. Another image also has a core component of the game. The other is the lobby while also showcasing the global all time stats thing.
I actually had another image, but I felt it would ruin the mystery since it was a headshot of the entire thing.
Both structures are incomplete, I’d like to add a lot more detail to the bridge. The exterior of the fisherman’s shop/house is mostly done, but the interior hasn’t been worked on as of yet.